rider seat removal

I would resort to a trip to the dealer before I lost my patience... When I lose it bad things always happen..

Quitter! I bet you're one of those ask for direction types too, aren't you?

As far as the seat, have you tried a nice, calm and collected, shotgun blast to the center section of the bike yet? :D
I apologize for the response

but, I'm channeling my wife at the moment...

Are you turning the key, the correct direction?

Standing on the right side of the bike...
Leaning with your right hand on the back of the side (pushing down)...
rotate the key counter clockwise, or turn the top of the key towards your bike.
seat finally off

Thanks for all the input - earlier post by "Bohica" - describes the problem - able to
push latch from rear of left side with thin, long screwdriver and "popped" latch mechanism - the cable had jumped out of the holder and after using a tie wrap - should function okay - Lineside