rider seat removal


Standard Bore
Jul 26, 2008
North Georgia
I am having a lot of trouble removing rider solo seat - I put the key in and twist and it won't pop loose - '07 Rocket with solo rider seat - it's been popping off easy in the past - but now it won't budge - key turns but I can't get it to click seat free - I've pounded and pushed on rear part of seat with my fist until I'm bruised while turning key at same time - I'm so pissed, I'm ready to start "cutting" seat off but thought I'd ask for suggestions first - any ideas will be appreciated. - what a pain.
- lineside -
Easy.... Easy...
The seat gets really tight when the rider's seat is on.

I have to lean on the back lip of the solo seat while turning the key even when the back seat isn't on.

Once you do get it off, I'd suggest spraying some lithium lub in the latch mechanism. It helps but doesn't completely resolve the problem.
I had the same problem not long ago on my 08 R3. Rather than get pissed... I went for a ride. When I got home, while the bike was still warm, I got the seat off with no problem. It was weird. Once off... I lubed up the latching mechanism just in case. Hasn't been a problem since.

I don't know about the solo, but my stock you had to push down on the seat first, then turn the key, just a suggestion.;)
thanks - i've tried riding it over pothholes, etc and then stopping to try to get it to release with no luck - I've had someone else pushing down while trying the key and still no luck. - what's the alternative? - cutting it off? - frustrated and angry - terrible design flaw to remove seat - am I the only one who has ever had a problem? - thanks.
Take the right side cover off to see if turning the key effects a release. It's too dark (3am) for me to go out and see if that's effective but that's my two cents worth, for now. On a second note, rather than strictly downward pressure, try lifting up on the periphery and down. I've a classic seat and I've had no problems getting it off. Getting it back on is sometimes an exercise in patience. Maybe the key slots needs some WD-40. Just tossing out suggestions.
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I have had the same problem, but not to your degree. The key actuates a cable the releases the pawl to release your seat. On the cable is a square keeper that fits into a slot, mine had come out of the slot, I put it back in and it continued to come out. I secured it with a small tie wrap to the bracket behind the battery, no problems since. Good luck.
