I love this story. I had a very similiar thing happen to me in the spring. In my story like yours I was not the aggressor, the hot shot was. I did the same thing you did and let the guy know what he was riding against. The guy pulled up at the last light and I told him what his cid was compared to mine and he gave me the finger and took a left so not to have to run another light. I posted it here on this page and got blasted by a couple of dillholes for beating a "lesser bike". But I am with you man. The Rocket is a slayer and should be used as such. There are a few rice rockets around me including my sons ZX10 that I won't mess with. But for the most part if someone gives me the throttle blip and thinks he is going to get away with it I will let him know that a Triumph just smoked his ass.
This is NOT a metric cruiser, it is an IMPERIAL cruiser!
Thats awesome. I think you may have just named my Rocket.
Coming back from starved rock with the Mrs onboard today I signalled and legally passed a couple harleys and 1 of them decided to take offense, I'm behind a pickup truck waiting for oncoming traffic to pass when I see him coming from behind with a full head of steam to pass me. I could have, and probably should have let him but I knew HE would believe he actually beat me and I just can't feed that illusion so with my wife Screaming in my ear while pounding on my back I let him bye then safely dropped it down a gear and blew past him. Wife don't get it, I try to explain.
Thats funny. My wife hits me in the side as hard as she can when I start to accelerate hard. I have to restrain myself as I really don't think I should be racing with the misses on the back. But it is hard to let off the throttle when some numb nut wants to go for it while he is solo and I am with a passenger.
My back seat came off at the dealership. If the wife wants a ride we take the harley. We own a 2010 fatboy that is very modified. The bike is set up for two. The triumph is mine. She knows me all to well to get on the back of the rocket. That is what really got my goat, the guy on the harley really did not have a clue. My harley is very fast for a harley but that is just that it is a harley. The rocket is my pride and joy. I have been riding bikes for the last forty years and have never rode anything like the rocket. We have over 5,000 mile on the bike and this week the tags are due. I have still have not mastered the bike. In time we will learn how to really ride a rocket. In the mean time I'll be **** if some yuppy on a harley who thinks he is a biker by image and only image is going to out ride me. Just not going to happen.
Any time you think humans cannot get any more obtuse a Harley rider will prove you wrong.:laugh:

A friend in the States (LA) has an old 70 Sportster, I'm not a fan of Harleys but this things really cool. Pretty much stock and has "Sportster" written in swirly 70's writing on the tank.

A comment he made to me was that he gets sick of guys on modern harleys pulling up next to him and saying "that's cool what sort of bike it it?" Happens more often than you'd think he said.
I went to a blackberry festival in oklahoma once and a guy on a very old harley needed a dime . I knew right off the bate he had to set his points. Gave him a dime and boy was he happy. Later on he bought me about twenty dollars in beer. Everybody else at the time was making fun of the guy. Laughing at his bike and making fun of the old buster. It turn out to be a very old pan head, worth a hell of a lot more than the wonder of the world twin cam.
I love the Rocket3T and its just a touring bike with bags and windshield etc. It hauls ass real good and it handles good too. Easily out performs the Harleys and most other bikes, there are some that might be faster or handle better but they are rare. I will keep the Rocket till I can't ride anymore. My Chopper has 400 horsepower and weighs less than 1000 lbs, doesn't handle worth a ****, not worth a **** as a tourer but its the fastest bike I ever rode, a great conversation piece, and you will probably see the Loch Ness Monster before you see another V8 Chopper.