Welcome from Cumberland, RI. Sounds like we have enough local R3 riders around here that we should set up a meet and ride sometime.
Isn't the Vanilla Bean at that intersection near those private schools in Pomphret? I take that road as part of my route to Jamestown, which I usually do once per season.
I'm up in Palmer, MA

Yup, that's the place. There is some nice riding around that area, RT 44, RT 169, RT 197, etc.

My wife and I were on the bike out in Palmer this year. Took 32 south from Barre. Stopped for a late lunch/ early dinner at the Steaming Tender.

Greetings to everyone from around the Globe!

We're neighbors! I'm in Massachusetts, just south of Worcester.
We should meet up at the Vanilla Bean in CT one day.

Welcome from Cumberland, RI.
Sounds like we have enough local R3 riders around here that we should set up a meet and ride sometime.

The more the merrier, the wife and I ride year round.....no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate riding gear.....lol

The more the merrier, the wife and I ride year round.....no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate riding gear.....lol

I try to ride year round, but snow, ice and sand get in the way. The wife is cold averse, which is funny since she grew up in New England. I always give her grief...hardy New Englander, hahah
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