I posted wrong before the Rocket will pull 239 mph. now as for having a 6th gear for fuel mileage if Triumph put a 6th gear in the bike it would hv ethe same ratio as fifth and they would just do some changes in the lower gears to increase the torque curve. Yester day I ran a striped aoe tune given to me as a base tun foe gracie. after riding and watching the A/F meter made by innovate and installed by G-Man I could see it was to rich down at low throttle percentge wher you would already be byif yoy were een slightly getting on it. so the first fuel stop slightly over 29 mpg criusing at 65 to 70 mph. Pull out the net book and made some changes in the loweer throttle Persectage range and the next tank of fuel just slightly over 40 mpg,. so if you want fuel mileage which is usually in areas you do not even race in. face it you come off the line at higher Thottle positions and rpms then tune the bike right. I cannot wait for the tune new tuen boy on mine where you use a wide band sensor like the PCV's autotune only it will work with the ecu making adaptations depending on the quality of the fuel you have in the tank to get the optimum programmed burn. as for power well the site glass will site in the A?F on the dot and then the site glass for the timing will alow you to make sight timing changes and see the HP difference on the dyno. live tuning not run her make some changes and then flash the ecu.
Anyway that being said they would use th esame less then 1:1 ration for a sixth gear and make changes between first and 4th so all you will obtain is more shifting not more fuel mileage.
I wonder if it would be possible to have a new differential gear cut with a higher ratio for those that mainly just cruise the highways? I thought about purchasing a used differential sometime and seeing what our machine shop at work might be able to do with it.