reset check engine light cycles?

Allan S

Simple African lad with a Rocket
Oct 28, 2016
Toronto Canada
2016 Roadster-skunk
I bumped a connector off of its spade when removing the stand that holds the tank up. Not noticing it, I started the engine and it ran. I put the tank down again, started the engine and rode off. I noticed the check engine yellow light was on so I lifted the tank again and found the loose wire. I connected it again with a healthy click and the engine runs fine. I dont have Tune ECU and the shop told me to bring it in and they would reset it for me. The shop is 50 miles away and I saw a post on the forum that the light might reset on its own if the problem is cleared after a certain number of ignition cycles. Can anyone tell me how many (approximately) and if a cycle includes starting the engine or just waiting for the gauges to settle. I attached a picture of the connector ( the one on the front) that I disturbed if that helps?
I don't know about cycles to reset but I can tell you any OBDII reader can reset the CEL. Most auto parts stores have one and will do it for free.
i do not know about the rocket but u might try to cycle the ign switch a few times or just let it reset on its on.
on cars/trucks a drive cycle (most cars ) u start let warm up 5 minutes then drive 35 for 5 minutes then run on free way @ 55 for 5 minutes then let coast to almost stop before u hit the brakes.. is one drive cycle and u need two drive cycles to reset ecu. now the rocket ecu is simple and may not take much time to reset.
Most of the DTC are erase after 40 good cycles I would drop down to a auto parts store have them read the code and clear it. then look at what the code was if its cleared your problem is solved go thrash the kurwa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and while you're at it, squeeze the spade connectors with a set of needle nose pliers so they are good and snug so you don't have to chase the moving miss fire gremlin.
Most of the DTC are erase after 40 good cycles I would drop down to a auto parts store have them read the code and clear it. then look at what the code was if its cleared your problem is solved go thrash the kurwa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Gents!

It took about 20 on/off cycles starting it and letting it run for a 30 seconds each time. It then went off on its own after startup the last time.