Replacement Head Gasket

Hey Journeyman
Hey Journeyman!

I pulled the water pump and the radiator yesterday. Ran a hose through the radiator and it was clean. Pump is fine too. Looked all over for that bleed screw with no luck. I have the manual and it shows it to be just above the pump? Couldn’t find it.

You certainly have a way with words. You must be or should have been a writer!! Thank you sooo much for your response….. Den
Hah- thank you, but my dad is the writer. I'm actually a photographer

Here's the bleed screw...
Edit- see @R-III-R Turbo correction below. This is close to the screw, but not it!

I've been away from the 2.3s for several years now, but the procedure should be in the manual for changing the fluid and bleeding the air from the system. I hope it's that simple, solving your problem.
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Careful now, that's actually the upper fixing bolt for the thermostat, the bleed screw is immediately to the right of it though.
Just hidden by the idle stepper motor in that pic.
Thermostat fixing bolts use an 8mm socket whereas the bleed screw needs a 10mm socket iirc.

One should also note that the rad cap is the highest point in the system, higher than the bleed screw. When the bike is upright.
The bleed screw only helps evacuate air from the head really. To get full bleeding of air when filling up one should have the bike leaned slightly the right so that the bleed screw and the rad cap are the highest they can be in relation to the rest of the coolant passages.
Thanks Turbo!
My bad and 100% confident that you are spot on with the correction. I've edited my post to reflect that.
I no longer have the bike or a copy of the manual to consult, as I haven't had the 2.3 for a while.
I do remember that it was somewhat hidden and therefore should have realized that it was not likely to be seen so easily in a stock photo. Thank you for the catch there.....
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Thank You for all the great info ...... Den
Hi Folks!

Can anyone tell me if i can replace the head gasket on a 2014, R3T without removing the engine?

Thanks in Advance
Hey Folks! I read all the comments and decided to resolve my head gasket issue before tearing the engine down. I pulled the water pump, replaced the “O” rings (pump showed signs of previous leakage), removed the radiator and flushed twice with a 60/40 water with muriatic acid mixture, filled with R3T correct coolant and replaced cap with an Triumph OEM radiator cap.

It seems to have worked! Rode for 200 miles in our South Texas 90+ degree heat and the coolant tank remains at the mid mark. Bike runs great.

Gonna run a few more times before I’m gonna count my chickens, but it looks good!

Thank you all for your help!!!