Rented a '14 Harley Road King this week in FL

I have a lot of HD friends, it seems they are loyal to the brand to a fault. A lot of them probably feel patriotic about them as they are made in America...I know I would simply not be satisfied with a Harley. Like you, I have experienced that "aghast" expression when I hit them up to go riding..."You're gonna ride HOW FAR?"..."Sorry, I can't go, I'm helping my mother-in-law move into my house that weekend." Or some other such crappy excuse is the usual fare. I also think perhaps some of them are intimidated by the sheer power and performance of the R3 and although they might not admit it, they suffer from Rocket envy.
The "Made In America" always gets come I have to pull out my metric wrenches to work on my wife's sporty, and not the imperial?
The "Made In America" always gets come I have to pull out my metric wrenches to work on my wife's sporty, and not the imperial?
What really gets me is the price of their clothing and that most of it is made in China.
I've always enjoyed my 2001 Roadking i'm pushing 80K problem free miles on the ole girl. It's not always about power and speed. It handles a lot different than my Rocket. Sometimes all you want to do is take in the view. Never understood the price thing,i paid $16,500 for it new. I believe they stopped making the Roadking this year. You have to remember Harley's been around a lot longer than most brands even the Rocket, choices were limited back in the day. The Roadking like the Rocket had it's day in the lime light.

I take it you mean Harley has been around longer than the rocket{2004}:confused: if you mean Triumph your info is wrong Triumph is an older company than Harley.
Harley does have water cooled motors, 2014 ultras and the new 750 just the heads are water cooled.
I do ride with a couple of Harley guys that are good dudes, but most of the ones I meet on the road are strokers!
I'm in south Florida this week on business and decided to get a taste of the "Harley experience". Rented a '14 Harley Davidson Road King, complete with all that Project Rushmore treatment they're touting.

First impression was... this is small. And then I stalled it in the parking lot in front of the Harley techs and other customers! Not embarrassed but laughing at how it's so underpowered you actually need significant throttle input to get it moving. :roll::roll:

Underpowered, unstable, poor brakes, terrible ergonomics, and around 33% more expensive! To be fair, I do like the seat, cruise control, windscreen (maybe a little big), and the hard bags are convenient. Shakes at idle but without the Harley potato-potato sound. <edit>

I don't want to bash on anyone's choice of bikes, but I can't for the life of me understand why people would shell out close to $20k or more for something like this when there's so much better available! :confused:

/ end rant

Everybody likes a rant. I always liked my 2009 Fatboy before trading it off for a Rocket last fall. I ride with some friends who ride Harley's as well as other brands. They are an icon and as for why anyone would shell out that much $ for a Harley?....I can think of one....Dealer Network. With that said, I still have become quite fond of my Rocket and knowing I have the only one around. I hope no one takes a liking to my bike and decides to get one. Now that would piss me off! I'll show you what a rant is really like....
I bought one of those bikes like is in the video one time. Rode it to a buddies house and sure was proud of it. One of his friends pulls up on his and says hey whos new ***** bike? Sure made me feel good. Al
Hey, quit bashing my harley, i installed the sound system myself:)
That video is epic, I posted it on my facebook with the title "Spring is coming... watch out for the next litter of bikers!" Although I do think that this video is staged... he's just too corny to be real.
That is funny! But I believe it is very real. I know one of these guys at work. He is so 'metro' I thought he was gay when I first met him. (He got married this year to a very beautiful woman so I guess not). But he dresses up like a MC gang biker when he rides his Street Bob and as he takes his black leather off you see he is wearing a pink shirt or some other such sissy looking attire. He is very preppy and always is concerned about his looks. Funny fellow though and he is upper middle management so I guess I better be nice to him.