Rented a '14 Harley Road King this week in FL

Make no mistake, 1/2 the price of a Harley is the club fee. But I love the fact that people buy them, keeps they rallies going and I have someone to ride with. Those guys have blown so much money on their bike they have to be brand loyal, brag it up and actually ride the thing. I think in their mind they are trying to justify the money.
Make no mistake, 1/2 the price of a Harley is the club fee. But I love the fact that people buy them, keeps they rallies going and I have someone to ride with. Those guys have blown so much money on their bike they have to be brand loyal, brag it up and actually ride the thing. I think in their mind they are trying to justify the money.
I have one buddy that had an 07 Streetglide he bought new and decided he had to have a new 14 Rushmore Streetglide. His bike had just turned 20,000 miles after 7 years and was like brand new. He is also one of those guys that has all the gear with Harley on it. While I like my bike fairly well after making some changes to it, I will say it's probably going to be my last Harley. After 5 years of being a Harley owner I'm just tired of the whole scene. One time when I was at Sturgis I saw a guy at the Super 8 where we were staying back his bike out of the trailer then he just stood by it wearing all his Harley clothing.I don't think he ever did ride it, just wanted to look the part. Don't get me wrong there are guys out there that put a lot of miles on and I'm fine with them,it's the posers that get me.
That video encapsulates everything I hate about the whole "Harley scene".

I know only one guy who owns one (they're thankfully uncommon in Scotland). He's a late comer to bikes. Has only ever owned 2 bikes, both Harleys. He's been biking for about 5 years and owns/has owned more gear than I have in over 15 years on bikes. I did more miles on holiday with the better half on the Rocket last year than he has in his 5 years on Harley.

The local owners club go on an annual trip, I think he took his bike once. They usually hire a mini bus and go on that.

I'm sure there are decent Harley owners out there, just not that I've met. It's all about the scene, they just don't seem to get what bikes are all about.

If I go out for the day on the bike, maybe do 400/600 or maybe 800 miles if I'm in the mood. He looks on agast as I tell him. Can't understand the fun on being away, alone and just *****in out the miles. To me thats what bikes are all about.

MOST Harley riders are poser twats:rolleyes:
Agree with you @ScottishR3T as to what bikes are about.
I do know some pretty good Harley guys; in the states and here in Germany. They're all about riding, wrenching and riding some more! Most of them don't own much Harley gear at all, maybe a tshirt or a jacket.
I just like to give the 50% posers ****e. There are three types of Harley owners to me. The gang guys (maybe 25%), the posers (50%) and the normal everyday love of bikes riders (%25). That is by no means a scientific study, but at least you can now say you read it somewhere on the Internet so it must be true ;)
Did they rent you the boots, chaps, gloves, jacket, and bandanna. I've heard they're a 24/7 wear requirement whether you're riding or just have one parked in the garage somewhere! :D:roll::roll:

Brought my own gear, but seriously, it's scary how many people in FL are riding down the freeway in a t-shirt, shorts, sandals, and no helmet!
Hahaha! Watched that twice, showed my wife, she laughed and said, "What a chode!"
That video is epic, I posted it on my facebook with the title "Spring is coming... watch out for the next litter of bikers!" Although I do think that this video is staged... he's just too corny to be real.
They are not true liquid cooled, they only cool the exhaust ports only. My buddy took his to Cuba while on assignment, he does admit its cooler than his old one. The only true liquid Harley id the V-Rod, and that's a Porsche designed motor. My wife has a Harley, she loves them, I couldn't care as long as she wants to ride, I have been pushing her towards the new Indian Scout, kinda would be comparable to a sporty 1200, except liquid cooled, performance is much better..............then maybe people would stop bypassing her sporty to get a closer look at the beast.....I never get tired of pointing that out to her.
If I go out for the day on the bike, maybe do 400/600 or maybe 800 miles if I'm in the mood. He looks on agast as I tell him. Can't understand the fun on being away, alone and just *****in out the miles. To me thats what bikes are all about.

I have a lot of HD friends, it seems they are loyal to the brand to a fault. A lot of them probably feel patriotic about them as they are made in America...I know I would simply not be satisfied with a Harley. Like you, I have experienced that "aghast" expression when I hit them up to go riding..."You're gonna ride HOW FAR?"..."Sorry, I can't go, I'm helping my mother-in-law move into my house that weekend." Or some other such crappy excuse is the usual fare. I also think perhaps some of them are intimidated by the sheer power and performance of the R3 and although they might not admit it, they suffer from Rocket envy.