Removing the Secondary Plates (Butterflies)

The check engine light only comes on if you remove the connection to the stepper motor and linkages.

Just removing the secondary plates will not cause the check engine light to come on.

The rods that the plates were connected to will still turn as normal so the computer still thinks the secondaries are there.
Oh yea, forgot to mention that ... thanks.
you arent taking the whole thing apart, just faking it out.
well i have the day off tomarrow and the wife won't be home to grill me about why i need to add more power wimen just don't get it because its there and i can yes i know its a sickness !!
power commander

If that's all you are doing with the intake and exhaust right now you should be fine. Aslo as Lester suggested the 12 min tune would be a good idea since you are technically making an intake change.

when i install the pcm do i need to install the o2 eliminator too, and i do not see a pcm tune for k&n plus tors with cat bypass what to do thanks john.

Removed my secondary butterflys last night already have tors cat removed
so now for the power comander and triple k&Ns
thanks for all the info posted by all
bike is running sweet