Under the bearclaw lie the 3 throttle bodies. If you have junked the airbox & fitted triple filters, or plan to, you will have( or are going to) opened these throttle bodies & seen the butterfly valves just inside.
There are 2 sets of valves in there, the 2ndries are the first ones you get to, & are held in place with a couple of little brass screws ( easily removable). The real throttle valves lie under the 2ndries & are to be left alone. Its kinda obvious once you've actually seen them.
The function of these 2ndries is to RESTRICT the power in the first 3? gears ( cant remember if 4th is restricted). They do this by partially closing as the bike accelerates, thus limiting air flow to the cylinders..BOO! Tuneboy programmes can set their opening to 100% thus eliminating ths restriction, & physical removal of them also accomplishes this. Removal is best as even fully open they will act somewhat as a barrier.
Drag race 2 bikes one unrestricted against a restricted & you will see the free flow one smoking the other in his dust cloud :lol:
Mine hasn't ever backfired through the TB's.
Why would it, if its tuned right?
Had a little decible pop from the pipes
when I back off the throttle, before I got er Dynoed,
but never a backfire.
Mine hasn't ever backfired through the TB's.
Why would it, if its tuned right?
Had a little decible pop from the pipes
when I back off the throttle, before I got er Dynoed,
but never a backfire.
Good to hear that..........I am cautious still that removing the secondaries will make the R3 a bit of a pig at slow speed in corners?Dont know really....
Thats what I did. I lost a few MPG but the improved throttle response is worth it. I can get up to 100+ alot quicker now. I plan to try to time it and double check with the gps on the MPH. According to the speedo I top out at 145.