So I’ve started the work. I’m really enjoying this “revival” of my first motorcycle, the bike I learned to ride on. Man it’s going to be great to ride it again!
R&G Crash Bungs - Done
R&G Engine Case Guards - Done
Battery Installed - All lights still work! Tickled the start button, it turned over so, that’s good news.
Steel Fuel Quick Disconnects - Done
Brake Bleed - Done
Tire Inflated - MAY be usable... need to clean them thoroughly and inspect.
Oil actually looks fantastic... but stinks of gas, so replacing it before starting.
New problems identified
1: Brake switch on lever needs some attention, intermittent functionality.
2: Need to remove Rocket link pipe from slipon so I can install it on the Daytona, sounds simple... it’s not.
The bikes got a ton of corrosion, but not much rust. Think I’m going do my best Ducatista impression and skip polishing and restoring everything until this winter and refer to it as....