Reducing Decel Popping?

Hey @kaivalagi , I run Dave Platt outlaws with link pipe , Ramair , pcv and dyno tune on my 2010 roadster !
Hey @kaivalagi , I run Dave Platt outlaws with link pipe , Ramair , pcv and dyno tune on my 2010 roadster !

Hey Nat...yeah seems I'm heading towards that way lol...albeit with a 3 into 1 instead of 2

What sort of steps did you go through to get to your setup? Does all this sound familiar or did you go for it all in one go?

If you have anything to add based on what you've learnt that may help a simple tuneecu edit make things that little bit better when using outlaws please let me far adding more fuel to the F tables for 0% TP has done nothing to fix the issue, I'm open to suggestions...

I am starting to come to the conclusion however that with just the exhaust mod I ought to use the tors map and put up with popping and learn to not zero throttle for engine breaking, then when I go with ram air and a dyno tune (PCV based or direct) I can get more what I'm after...although popping is not completely removable from what I've read right?
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It is the nature of open pipes to pop and Burble on decel, the tuner added a tad more fuel around 5% at zero throttle if memory serves me correct? To do away with the pop on open pipes is effectively to detune the engine tho , so managing the pop is the trick ! If I roll toward a junction in 4th or 5th on the brakes , she will pop and flash like a firefight in a foxhole , but if I run into a junction using the gears and optimum revs from the engine , no pops . Period ! I guess in short , put performance pipes on and ride her like a cruiser , you gonna have to live with the popping unless you use some judicious clutch work , but ride her like a sports bike and no more popping !
Thanks for the info, yeah I am realising I am just going to be the bad man with a loud bike that no one likes going forwards hahaha.

Funnily enough I did have two more maps prepped to try tomorrow given the idea of moving back to a very lightly touched after market tune for now....I added 5% on 0% TP (1440 to 7000 rpm) and added 10% in the same way to the second, and left the O2 sensor on in both...I'll try the 5% first then the 10 and decide which one is better and head that direction for now...I'm thinking this is the best I will get for now I know when I first ran the after market map the bike was nice and smooth bar the popping...

My laptop and cable is coming with in a backpack too, so I can make amendments away from home if need be....the neighbours have had enough of my bike today I think....the mrs reckoned someone was trying to track down the bike noise down to have a complain today, I managed to get through to the back garden before he clocked me I think lol
My neighbours just love me The outlaws run pretty sweet with the tors tune ! as I mentioned , just a tad more fuel on zero throttle to cool the pipes . Add the Ramair tho , and the transformation is BIG , and a whole new map required ! Tell the neighbours if they moan about the bike , you will sell it and keep pig's instead !
Haha, already threatened them with chickens

Yeah, the map I got from Hanso before now when I was gearing up for outlaws and ramair was basically the tors with 8% added and O2 off...I think though, as you've done, it would really warrant a proper dyno based affair....I need to go have a chat with the local dyno people, these guys: Track Electronics Homepage
They sound just the ticket !
Add the Ramair tho , and the transformation is BIG ,
Wait until you change the headers. - I can attest to Mr Natty's pipes being in the "incite neighbours to call police" loudness domain. Mind you his bike does have to work harder coz he's not a little chap. No telling me it was Taya's weight -

No need to keep pigs - Just have some Spanish kids over to stay. Here they are "heard but not seen" . - Blame the parents you say - OK! - but which ones?
it don't have to work nearly as hard as it used to !