Red and White Classic in Henderson, WA


Sep 20, 2009
Secret Harbour, Western Australia,-USA-Friendswood
Hey followed Captain on Red and White Classic from Rockingham 1 and you turned towards Maritime Marine Complex... I have not seen many Rockets around. I live in Secret Harbour, still debating on shipping mine... Next time I see you I will honk in respect, lol... love the lane splitting here, just gotta keep on the right errr ah Left side of the road? Anyway nice bike and bags did not look stock? Hope your a member.
Western Australia

Sorry man.... Western Australia. I only get out on the way to work and back, we live a few minutes walk from the beach and besides a trip to wineries, a zoo or local island we just hang on the beach or BBQ in the back yard all weekend... I do see more Harley's than I thought I would even though they are proud of them here with a 50% mark up? I have fallen right into BBQ and beer here... though I had sticker shock on beer at first as well. The pay scales adjust that to a degree and you just get used to it... must say I drink more here than even Nigeria and that was my favorite pass time there.... I know there is a few Captains up the road towards Perth, we just don't head that way if we can help it, because parking is a pain and everything is more expensive in the city. The King's park area is beautiful and there are some good places to eat there as well. I am hoping to get a beater bike old Honda Police bike or old BMW to play on maybe in the next few months, may wait threw summer to get fall prices?