Received this from Tampa dealer and link to Daily Herald ( UK)

HD is a great example they have had an appalling run of compound sales decreases for several years. They have seen an uptick in sales following a massive revamp of all of their line up. The acid test will be 2019. You completely missed the point on sustainability.
Triumph and it’s re-emergence has been built on its cruisers , the touring / expedition line up. The Speedmaster for example has been a phenomenal success. The spike in sales being enjoyed now is as much to do with ‘fashion’ and the Cafe racer craze as it does Triumphs merits. This is a case of all eggs in one basket if you ask me. Even the dealers will acknowledge the current Triumph model line up is confusing with many models not having a USP over the next...I hope I’m wrong but going narrow and deep to this extent is a very courageous or stupid decision, we will soon see. Meanwhile the largest market in the world remains a blind spot for the Leicestershire folks..”m ‘ duck “

Really...what did the UK do for coffee in the last 50 years...Starbucks created an availability of gourmet coffee as opposed to the crap available out of home before them. If you are adding peppermint cyrup to a latte then you’re not an expert on coffee lol

I’m with you...I fear they decided in haste and will repent at leisure...let me know how to remove the badges lol...

I agree. When considering what my next bike would be I could not find anything that checked the boxes the R3T did. Funny that you mentioned the Road King. If I were to look at HD, that would be the bike I would consider. I do not want my motorcycle covered in plastic. From an appearance perspective, I want a windshield, hard bags, fenders, and to be able to see the motor. Performance wise, there was nothing close to the power of the Rocket engine. This is my first Triumph. It will be sad if it is my last. However, as I age, I suspect my needs will change and something smaller than the R3T may become necessary. Until that day, I intend to continue to make this bike my own and fully enjoy what it gives me.

I will not bash on Starbucks coffee quality - I consider it poor to mediocre, but understand it may be OK for somebody else - but once they put it into one liter plastic cup, it can not be named gourmet. + if you are an coffee person, it can not be named coffee.

UK did nothing for coffee in last 250 years. Applause to them for not messing with it.

educational video follows:

The writing is on the wall folks. All who cheered the downhill slide of HD will soon be lamenting the downhill slide of their own marque. The true motorcyclists are dying in droves, and being replaced by whatever meager numbers they can find in the new generations......which are few and getting fewer all the time. Kids aren't interested in motorcycles. That is a fact. The companies will ride whatever small trend exists to sustain for the moment, and then downhill it will go. Dealers are closing daily. Triumph closed up shop in Daytona and Orlando. Very disappointing. I see a future of very few motorcycles and even fewer dealers. Get ready. It's coming to a town near you!
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Just as an aside - I actually counted the number of 2-wheelers today on the way to work. Commuters. So real bike riders - not week-enders.
2 maxi-Scooters, Two "nekeds" (a BMW Nine-T and a sporty looking Kwacker) and two "adventure" (A beemer and something red/white).
If I remember - I'll count bikes on our run to the coast for the weekend.

Remember "You meet the nicest people on a Honda"?
That ad campaign at the time was said to generate more bike sales than any other campaign.
I do not watch TV and listen to little radio. However on line and other medias have seen ads for the most popular brands of three wheelers.
So I know they exist and it generated some interest.
Can not remember seeing a Triumph ad. In fact did not even know the Rocket existed till I was looking for a Harley and just for the heck of it stopped at a Triumph dealer. Mostly stopped out of loyalty as I bought my first Triumph in 72.
Image the interest an ad campaign and test ride program in the US would generate. Corvette did it with great success.
I believe there would be more Rocket sales if more people knew about them and test rode them.


Same here on almost everything
We can piss and hiss all we want but in reality Triumph is a privately owned company(John Bloor) so he does not have to answer to any shareholders or others who know eff all about making money in the motorcycle world and hopefully he keeps it that way, for British car/auto manufacturers have a less than desirable track record, for fcuks sake the mini is no longer British as the Germans own it.