Going in to the dealer a second time in 9 months for the rear brake. On a ride today I noticed as I feathered the rear brake coming to a stop it went to the floor so to speak. I also noticed a burning smell so I'm curious about the brake fluid boiling or burning. My engine felt extremely hot on the right side on my some what spirited ride but the spirited part was only around 13 to 15 miles and I barely feather the rear brake at all. My riding is 90% to 95% front brake and only use the rear in twisties and that's only when riding hard which I really wasn't and feathering when I stop at a light or sign. I like to keep the RPM's up while riding and I'm curious if that caused any problems with heat and my brakes. Just spit balling as the rear brake thing has me perplexed and more than a little irritated. The Rocket has cooled and the rear brake pedal goes all the way down so in to the dealer it goes, AGAIN!