But, the rider has only been brought into it today, the numbers of bike v bike horsepower stand on themselves.

Yes, with the rider the gap closes, but 4 tenths heavier is still heavier. I am neither 600lbs or 200lbs... just under 200. Again, I posit that 99% of riders wouldn't notice the difference. Even in the extremes that @Claviger goes to lose bike weight and the power to weight ratio flops, you'd need a larger margin to notice.

Really, we should be arguing torque figures on this forum. It is where the R3 has every advantage over other bikes. And IF someone figures out a way to retune an Euro5 copliant ecu and raise the rpm, the R3 HP numbers will jump fro that alone and handily crush the VMax and Diavel
Bigger batteries, more windings on the motor!

Ahh, I already had hit the quote button, but @Steel beat me to it, rider weight affects the ratio more on a lighter bike than a heavier one, definitely.
Now with the extra 50 HP from a retune we have a DUCK HUNTER QUACK QUACK LOL
Hopefully someone will figure out how to tune the new ECU. Otherwise my stock Classic will out run them any day in a straight line.
SO with the additional 50 HP it wouid be 4.06 WOW DEAD DUCKS

TFC 29,000 USD
Diavel 1260 S 23,000 USD

You need to throw more money at a bike that already costs more to give it a chance?

At that price you can buy a Kwaka H2 with 207hp, easily and cheaply flash the ECU to 250ish