Rear suspension

I sent them an email and they answered me that they can do nothing. I was quite disappointed as I had their previous ones on my older R3.
Very disappointing indeed if they did not suggest to custom made a R3 2020 absorber which would neither be in agreement with the interview reported in the famous Cafe Racer magasine nor with what is reported on their web site !
Except "preload", all other suspension adjustments are at maximum comfort (...)
Not sure I understand your statement vs the user manual. The manual reports "fully anticlockwise for both Standard and Comfort" "Preload" and a standard setting of 3 for both "Rebound" and "Compression" dampings whereas for Comfort, it says "fully anti-clockwise" :

Anyway, looks like then that the R would result more comfortable than the GT as per this topic i.e. due to the standard R foot pegs position and the different sea (the R seat seems thicker and/or with a more comfortable shape ?)
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Ok. Looks like then that the R would result more comfortable than the GT as per this topic i.e. due to the standard R foot pegs position and the different sea (the R seat seems thicker and/or with a more comfortable shape ?)
From personal experience, the R seat does not go with the GT bars, I had to get the GT seat too for my R with Mid pegs as the R seat presses in to my back with GT bars on. so... for me... a GT with mid pegs would be perfect... if they sold it in Red, but when I was looking in January/February this year, the GT was a long way off, so got and R and now have GT bars and seat and it's perfect

This shows how different we can be : both my R seat and footpegs are sandard but the handlebar is from the GT. and it suits me very well :
position feels natural and not tiring neither for my back nor for my arms. But I still would need to ride more miles to report, hopefully, that it'd suit me perfectly.

I'm just thinking of adjusting eventually the standard shock absorbers setting as it may be a little too hard for me but ONLY on small portions of bumpy roads. However I believe that they may improve after the break-in period i.e. I'd say not before the first maintenance (1000 kms).
to be fair, for short 50mile trips the R seat and GT bars with mid pegs were fine, but most of my jaunts are 100-250 miles and that's where I noticed my coccyx going numb. Since getting the GT seat, no problemo on any haul! I'm 6'0 tall and weigh too much BTW, maybe that's a contributing factor?

I find the suspension quite fair now it's tweaked.
And by the way the

yes forgot this height/weight factor : I'm 5,8 tall and weight 175 pounds
And by the way the

yes forgot this height/weight factor : I'm 5,8 tall and weight 175 pounds
yes, it cracks me up when we share our 'perfect' setups without adding the relevant info about our dimensions for comfort and balance purposes. I could imagine that for your weight and height the R seat fit's like a glove with the GT bars.
R3GT 2020 Suspension adjustment for 100Kg rider

Front Compression
Screw clockwise all way in , then turn out 2 full turns

Front Rebound
Screw clockwise all way in then turn 2.75 turns out

Rear Compression
Screw clockwise all way in then turnout 3 full turns

Rear Rebound
Screw clockwise all way in then turn 3.5 turns out

Rebound 10 clicks out from compressed spring

Removing the back guard and remount number plate behind seat will help.
If still have problems with those aussie roads may have to wait for aftermarket rear shocks or carbon fibre wheels