Oh let me add a 4th crapola factor- the so-called 'rain covers'you speak of.. Ahem...they cover most of the panniers EXCEPT for the inside of the panniers.. you know, the tire side which is like a fire hose throwing water into the panniers. No I'm sorry my friend, these suck big time. On the other hand, I am completely ecstatic over the bike itself. Without a question the best steed I ever rode.
Hi guys I live in the uk and want to tour next year on my new r3 is the pannier system worth the considerable expense or are there any alternatives ? Tia.
Thanks Stan for the tip, I just ordered the soft bags and brackets, wont be here until mid Feb but I will post some pics when they arrive and I have them fitted.
Thanks Stan for the tip, I just ordered the soft bags and brackets, wont be here until mid Feb but I will post some pics when they arrive and I have them fitted.
Years ago I made 1/4 inch thick plexiglass 'platform' for the ol '04 Rocket III tail rack. I was able to transfer it over to the new R3 GT rack.It's held on with velcro straps and I've had enormous (grossly overweight) luggage bags on it ( ahem the wifey you know just have to have all those extree clothes)