rear drive ...

For your trip, what tools, emergency supplies are you taking? From watching TV, Top Gear, Grand Tour etc, not certain I could focus on the road and not the scenery.
For your trip, what tools, emergency supplies are you taking? From watching TV, Top Gear, Grand Tour etc, not certain I could focus on the road and not the scenery.
are you asking me....if not never mind
just in case you did ask me

ooops... why do I get big letters

ok...nothing special just a roll of duck tape a cutter some wire no emergency supplies I am staying with civilization.. will do 8 or 9 mountain passes or maybe more depending on weather ,and quality of beer ,
I bundle up some string under the shaft to hold it up high enough. Once it starts to thread the splines I pull out the string.
I've tried warp's method and never had any luck... guess I wasn't holding my mouth right. Might try it again on the next one which is coming up between now and May the
salut Kilderouge quel est l'adresse du site francais je pense changer de suspension arriere pendant mon sejour en france en juin et si il y a un jeux d'amorto a vendre sur le site je prefere donner mes ronds a un rider plutot qu'un magasin
Le site Rocket français est , sinon j'ai acheté des shocks factory presque aussi bons que des EMC mais moitié moins chers ! Amortisseurs Shock Factory pour Triumph Rocket III Roadster 09-18 J'en suis très content .
Excuse me english language fellows but I am better in french than in english !
je vais jeter un oeil sur ces amortisseurs que tu indiques merci du renseignement de plus si tu m'ecris en francais il n'y a aucun probleme je parle francais parfaitement je connais aussi l'expression ... un kil de rouge ... dans les annees 50 c'etait la bouteille de 1 litre ramenee depuis a 75 centilitres evidement!!
Remember....... take lots of pic and show a google map of your travels. Much appreciated..
picture I can take but google mapping .... how do I google map the roads I will ride? I am a total waste when doing computer stuff show me !! and I will try