rear drive ...

Hello Albertaduke
same as 1K9 , I use a zip who have just the right thickness for elevating the shaft .

salut Kilderouge quel est l'adresse du site francais je pense changer de suspension arriere pendant mon sejour en france en juin et si il y a un jeux d'amorto a vendre sur le site je prefere donner mes ronds a un rider plutot qu'un magasin
salut Kilderouge quel est l'adresse du site francais je pense changer de suspension arriere pendant mon sejour en france en juin et si il y a un jeux d'amorto a vendre sur le site je prefere donner mes ronds a un rider plutot qu'un magasin

totally agree
Your greasing the puppy it shod already be lubed. If it needs more spit on it!!!
Serious it will scoop right up and go in no fancy chit needed.

Lets not reach around the back of the toilet to whipe your arse. You will end up chapped !!!!!
Your greasing the puppy it shod already be lubed. If it needs more spit on it!!!
Serious it will scoop right up and go in no fancy chit needed.

Lets not reach around the back of the toilet to whipe your arse. You will end up chapped !!!!!

Use wet wipes no chapping just refreshing trouble free wipes and 99% bacterial free