Rear drive running hot?

if I were you, i would change the oil first, fill it up little bit extra so it can overflow from the drain plug on top of differential(only happens during riding) and then go from there.
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if I were you, i would change the oil first, fill it up little bit extra so it can overflow from the drain plug on top of differential(only happens during riding) and then go from there.
Done changed up to running out fill plug. Do you mean leaning the bike over to the right and filling above the fill plug?
Looking at the Service Manual I see there are also some needle bearings under the bevel box badge than need periodic greasing. I don't remember seeing that mentioned anywhere else. With about 2900 miles on it something doesn't seem right. No way am I going to put it in the shop to let them look at it maybe in a few weeks or a month or six. I'll ride it until the wheel comes off first.
The needle bearings are really easy to get to and lube- need a small watercolor brush, or something similar, to get in there with some grease. Could be, but I doubt that's it- still worth a look.

OK, I apologize if this seems too easy and you've already checked, but given the fact that the rear brake assembly is bolted onto the final drive...... have you checked your pads for unusually high wear? At 2,900 they should look new. I have a strong suspicion that you barely have any pads left back there. It could be a sticky caliper.
That is a great suspicion.

I've not noticed any drag pushing it around. Rolls freely, doesn't squeak on rotor or anything. I had to take a look at the rear pads. They look almost new. The rotor barely has any wear so don't think the heat is coming from it. Plus I'm a downshift braker, hardly use my rear brake. Plus it didn't work at all for months.
So I did a spirited ride yesterday in 85 degree heat and used the rear brake a little more than I usually do and it has a little more play in it but still all good so far. Like your rear drive mine is hot also. I can touch it but have to move my hand after a second or so. This is why my seat is so friggin hot. I would guess it's normal although it doesn't seem right. My seat once again was hot as hell. That's where I notice most of the heat is on the seat but the exhaust and rear drive is what's heating the seat up. Is anyone else experiencing this or are Stingray and I the chosen ones?
OK, good to know it's not just mine. I wonder if that **** cat box is cooking the swingarm. It will be interesting where the IR gun shows it hottest.

I trust this motorcycle so little I am afraid to get off too far on it now. Seriously thinking about carrying two bikes to WV. A just in case the Rocket3 breaks down on me.