Rear brakes disappeared

Thanks for the input Hanso. I've just checked it once more - the rear brakes appeared. The resistance of the pedal is normal.

Had mine do the same thing after some spirited riding and hard braking through a mountain range. Left it for 20 minutes and i had brakes again... never has happened again ... weird huh !!!
I have had rear brake fade after a spirited ride going down a mountain, it is just the brake fluid overheating. let it cool down and it will be fine. If you replace the fluid as recommended it will happen less, but will still happen if you over use the brake. If it is happening under normal riding conditions then check the brake is not rubbing or that you are not touching the pedal slightly with your foot.
albertaduke, atomsplitter, thanks for the info. I uderstand your meaning and really try not to push that rear brake so hard! But that has a long history for me because when I started riding more than 17 years ago on some bike of 1950's that old man tought me to use the rear brake first and only then the front. Just didn't ask myself any question for many years of riding. Then there was about 10 years gap when didn't ride but reflexes are the same especially in some extreme situations and I'm trying really hard to brake different way. Though enjoy the feeling when the rear of the bike runs faster than the front :D

And bad news is that I didn't have an opportunity to deal with the bike this weekend. So today the situation was almost the same and I've lost the rear brake... Seems like I really overused it. Because today was in a good mood and performed some street racing :D