Rear brake gone.

Recently been on a few rides since taking the bike out of its winter hibernation. I’m getting that rear brake problem now! Very disconcerting. The hill hold function still works fine but to actually use the rear brake takes two or three pumps before it starts to function. Even then, it’s much weaker than it used to be. I’m hoping Triumph has a proper fix for it but from I’ve read here, I’m not too optimistic.
About a year ago, which coincided with owning the bike for about a year, my rear brake disappeared. After a bleed by the dealer it was perfect again. Now one year later it is beginning to get weak again.

With so many folks having the same recurring problem - even after Triumph's new and improved bleeding procedure - I doubt improper brake bleeding is the problem. And even folks who have had parts replaced under warranty have had the same problem recur.

I would suspect there is a design flaw in the rear brake system itself. Except that doesn't really make sense to me either, since the flaw would have to be somehow allowing air into the system. You'd think proper rear brake design and maintenance would be a solved problem. The Rocket's rear brake isn't truly unique or revolutionary.

I guess I'm just going to have to add "bleed the rear brake" to my list of routine maintenance items.
Luckily I have not had this issue but I just saw a hack on youtube. I am probably the last one to see this but I thought I would pass it on in case it might help. After riding squeeze the brake handle all the way then snap tie it in that position in the morning cut the snap tie then slowly release the brake. Seems to help some folks anyway.
That "trick" has been given on many a motorcycle forum and I have tried it. Rock hard (cat can't scratch it) the next day, but it'll soon revert to the previous problem, in my experience (and many others). Let us know if yours remains Viagra hard...
How does this work on a rear brake? Does the 2020+ Rocket have a linked braking system?
I get that it's a big deal, but do you really need a dealer to bleed your brakes? Or sell the bike because you don't want to bleed the brakes yourself.. Not flaming anyone just wondering about the thought process.
I get that it's a big deal, but do you really need a dealer to bleed your brakes? Or sell the bike because you don't want to bleed the brakes yourself.. Not flaming anyone just wondering about the thought process.

Plus 1
some people saying on FB group that triumph has come up with new part number for rear brake hose and that seems to fix the issue. I asked those people who got the new hose but they either dont know the hose part number or never replied.
That sounds like #4 in @Mucker 's list- brake line too close to exhaust. If that turns out to be the cause it seems we could insulate that section somehow. I wonder if anyone with Werkes and other exhaust has this problem.