REAL New Model news

Also, you can not import into EU anything older than 8 years if I am correct.
Well YOU CAN - especially if it's over 25 years old and you put onto "historic" plates. But easy it is not. The main issue is - you probably cannot import and put on the road anything that is NOT Euro4. ALMOST Classic car/bike prices here are rising. I may look for a 2009 R3 for Spares. But as you say - 8.5K is pretty much base here and that'll be a 2007ish bike.
vintage vehicle plates - yes. but you than only ride/drive to club meetings or so, there are lot of crazy restrictions. I bought mine 2009 RIII not long time ago for 9500 Euros with about (only) 4000 km and lots of extras on the bike and I considered it good price Now I am looking to buy one to ride when I am in Texas. For 10-11k $ I can basically get Carpenter built bike in good shape if that is what I want.. God bless America
Tough to beat inflation. That day may come, and it might go for three times the price! Which would be about equal to today after inflation. Hard to imagine them going up 5-10x. Then again I didn't buy Apple stock when I thought about it ten years ago so, what the heck do I know…
We at least know your name is not Adam!
My Classic is beautiful ...