REAL New Model news

In also recievedthe same package back in 2005, someone offered me $100 for it.

Every single Triumph launch over the last few years has had the beans spilled ahead of time. My source, in this case, will most definitely have advanced knowledge...
Took triumph 5 years to work most of the bugs out of the first run of rockets?
Might want to wait a couple of years!?!?

Thats ok , but if everyone waits for five years or any part of that, the bike wont stay in production, in any case, if there are problems they should be retro fitted/repaired anyway so as long as you have a reliable alternative ride there arent any major problems I wouldn't think, other than MAYBE running back to the dealers a few times. Good on you Claviger (it is definitely not a bad idea) for one person that is willing to take the first step. A lot of people on the forum have been talking about a new model for 2018/2019 and now there is real talk of it happening there seems to be a reluctance to jump, you cant have 5 years of reliability testing in a new model.

Thats my way of thinking anyway, UNFORTUNATELY I DONT HAVE THE COIN right now or I would be down at the dealers myself, and I too, am not selling my 2014 R3 or my 86 FXR Lowrider ever, I sold my 2006 Fatboy to buy my R3 and vowed that I will never sell another bike to get a new one AGAIN, have to accumulate toys now, so I am afraid it will have to wait, although I do have a space for it next to the others. maybe a secondhand one will be more my speed
Sounds like a lot of my next door neighbors mates sisters boyfriend said ? But he is a reliable source lol , think I will just wait and see what happens.
Every single Triumph launch over the last few years has had the beans spilled ahead of time. My source, in this case, will most definitely have advanced knowledge...
When you get more definite news - let me know. They are usually road tested in Spain - And Triumph Spain is very close.

Remember the leaked photo of the Speedmaster that hit the web?. I know exactly where it was taken. I'll get my brother in law to go and sit there with a newspaper. He has just retired and lives about 200m away.
I believe some small bits are intentionally leaked to build enthusiasm and desire. Nothing of any real content was leaked, just a wisp of newness. We let our imaginations run with it, feels good to know that something will come. Just like any new toy we can't wait for it to arrive. I'm interested