OK I have got a couple of Question for you Guys and Gals and would like honest Answers.
The first question is How many of the people coming Would Not wear a Baseball type cap if given to them, I don't want people to feel they have wear something they would not be happy too.
Second question would the Ladies prefer a pink rather than black cap or is there another colour you would rather
Lastly I thought that most guys would prefer Black but come forward if you think otherwise we could for example have a light coloured cap or a mid colour.
To make it easier for the shy types out there, they can PM me their suggestion and we could vote on it
These caps will be free memento to you for taking the trouble and expense to come all this way, and will have embroidered something like this -
Rockets DownUnder
....Batemans Bay 2013
(edit- the dots are to keep the spacing layout and will not be on the cap)
the colours are not necessarily what will be on them but they will contrast to the black or whatever colour WE choose, I simply used these to illustrate my idea.
we can have a different colour cap for the girl as opposed to the guys
For a small fee of $6 you can have your forum nickname or other nickname embroidered on the back above the strap and cut out
So tell what you think between now and next Monday 15/07/2013, I am going to see the embroider on Tuesday to finalise the way it is laid out and I hope to have a mock up to show you after that
I will shortly put up a list of those that have said they are coming and those that are not sure please let me know if you are not on that list or need to be removed