When I booked there I told them I would need secure parking for my bike, I also told them that several other bikes would also need secure parking, so they are aware we are coming.
Go to Supersheep and get a $40 bike cover, most damage and theft is opportunistic, people generally aren't interested in what they can't see, it worked in the communities across the top
I know PETER @Ishrub has it but not sure who else has my Mobile number, send me a conversation and I will give it to you if you want it that is either way someone want let me know when you get here,
If on the road today please take care it is raining here now was fine this morning Fri and Sat are supposed to be good
Even the local think it is a bit wet Joey is safely tucked away in mums pouch
It was funny yesterday, after coming back from town centre with supplies we left some of things that don't need to be kept cold out on table under awning and went for a stroll around park to look at some of the activities, we weren't very far away and I notice the young bachelor group of males (4 of them) arguing over a white plastic bag then as one of them ripped the bag I saw it was our bread rolls so I ran back a chased them of got our rolls back to find one had chunk out of it, meanwhile the young kanga's were still close so we gave them the rest of that roll and locked away the rest...... cheeky little buggers came back later looking for more unfortunately the phone was on charge so didn't get any snaps but three of them came sniffing at our toes that how close they were
Oh yeah Ann thought it was funny ... she was laughing so much when I went bolting back to camp that she could not run and was in stitches with laughter for a good while .... good therapy:roll::roll::roll: