RDU 2016

It will be like a Shetland pony club turning up at the Clydesdale show
If I could only stand the long-ass flight . . .
If I could only stand the long-ass flight . . .
15 hour from Sydney to Dallas and 17 hour from Dallas to Syd plenty of time for a movie or three and a bit of a snooze, I was told it is the longest Non Stop Flight in the World
If I could only stand the long-ass flight . . .

Never too old to work a passage on a cargo ship like the famed Bonneville record holder Kiwi Bert Munro did to get to the US. Record achieved on his home modified 1920 Indian in 1967 which has only recently been recognized in 2014 36 years after he died and 9 years after the 2005 hit movie The World's Fastest Indian!

Record from the grave