RDU 2016

This was put together by some of the blokes on the Facebook Page. Feel free to print some out as flyers and paste 'em up around town where you live. ( This isn't my work, but a couple of the Rocket owners on the Triumph Cruisers Australia FB page. )
Once again, the FB page is at :
@Seanii Plunkett are these guys from the Triumph Cruisers Facebook page which seems to be predominantly Thunderbird/Storm planning another event at same location or are they Joining us at RDU as there is no mention of it being RDU and I can honestly say it appears as if they are organising it
are these guys from the Triumph Cruisers Facebook page which seems to be predominantly Thunderbird/Storm planning another event at same location or are they Joining us at RDU as there is no mention of it being RDU and I can honestly say it appears as if they are organising it

Hanso I'd say it's a couple of the Rocket Riders getting a bit over enthusiastic and wanting to join in. Some of them are probably members here? I am not on the TCA FB page as I find it's full of wankers playing dress up bikies ( but that's just my opinion), but I am on their Ride page, which organises going for rides sometimes. Anyway...no, it's not a separate event. I guess they have caught the bug and want to go along and meet up with this group. . The ones I know who are keen are decent guys.
Cool ... just checking