Ok Fellas , I suggest you start having a think and give it the thumbs up or down ,, Mainly because the dates suggested are school holidays .

Now Port Noarlunga the best place is out , shame really , it was only 100 yards from a surf club / pub / 3 restruants , 4-5 cafes and it had a garden area for bbq's , not only that grabbing all the rooms would of put us has the only bikes /cars in the place surrounded by a brick wall .. but they will only let 6 rooms out to group bookings so thats out .

Leaving Moana or victor harbor ,,

Now Moana is isolated , across the road you have a cafe , but it may or may not be open depends on the day and the mood ,, next closest place to eat is the hotel 1.2 klm walk , not too bad for the fit ones but its uphill and anyone older or bad knees may stuggle , once there if you don't like there expensive menu ,, and $6.70 stubbies , you can walk a further 500klm to the shopping centre and hungry jacks , if you want to have a stroll during the day and a rest from riding you can walk on a lovely beach other than that i suppose you can walk the streets gazing at the sky ,, watch ya don't get locked up doing that . ha ha

Victor , Well i've just googled the distance from the caravan park to the town centre , its 1.4 klm along the esplanade , (its flat ). The park is a nice one but gets busy school holidays , I know because my son takes his kids there, and books well in advance . Once in the town centre theres lots of places to eat 4 pubs and granite island to look at , its a holiday destination , and a popular place for people to ride too every weekend .

I would strongly suggest Victor , simply because i doubt if people will want to be riding all day exploring Sa after riding big distances to get here ,, I would also doubt that everyone would want to just hang around the caravan park , all day and night scratching there bollocks , wondering what shall we do . Victor you can walk to and buy a t shirt , buy a latte, and a ice cream and watch the world go by , or you can sit outside any of the pubs , watch the world go by , get pissed and still get locked up . ha ha

Seriuosly guys have a look on google , have a chat amongst yourselfs , and make up your minds , then we can book the sooner the better don't leave it till the last minuite , it is school holidays and we don't have the caravan parks on every corner like you guys in the east do . .
...and there's three or four good rides from VH if anybody wants, a couple of hours max.... over to Goolwa for lunch.... to Cape Jervis and watch the useless caravan pilots trying to reverse their rigs onto the Kangaroo Island ferry (funniest thing you ever saw to watch!!!) ... can even duck up into the hills a bit for a tad longer ride..... or nick over to Nev's Go-Fast Emporium for a quick hot-up job.... shame it can't be a week later tho, to dodge the holidays mobs??
The crowds will not be to bad Russel , Probably no more than any sunny sat or sun , its a popular place for day trippers , Just accomadation may get booked , thats why we will have to get in early . Your right thers a few good rides from there that can be made has long or short has people want ,, That i would leave up to Dean , , i normally just follow him , He's the human Navman .

You coming over ,Russel

, P.S. Dave i think it was you who mentioned a road you liked when you were here , that was the V.H to Cape . Jarvis road over Delamere ,
What's down at Coffin Bay .. other than really tasty oysters that is. Guess the name has always appealed to me and I've never actually got there in my travels.
The crowds will not be to bad Russel , Probably no more than any sunny sat or sun , its a popular place for day trippers , Just accomadation may get booked , thats why we will have to get in early . Your right thers a few good rides from there that can be made has long or short has people want ,, That i would leave up to Dean , , i normally just follow him , He's the human Navman .

You coming over ,Russel

, P.S. Dave i think it was you who mentioned a road you liked when you were here , that was the V.H to Cape . Jarvis road over Delamere ,

No not me i think unless i was pissed and was rambling LOL
Coffin Bay , i've never been there , but i believe its good fishing . .
Hey guys What's happening has anything been decided yet as to exactly where and are the dates set in concrete, I ask this as time is getting onand people need to organise holidays etc

Had a visit from our good mate Mal @The Kiwi today and conversation drifted to this years RDU and the lack of progress ...... then we discussed next year RDU and decided that if WA doesn't take up the reins for 2016 we could organise one for NSW just a Little Bit Inland .... well actually a lot inland it will be a bit closer to QLD then Victoria and slightly closer to SA / WA and not too far from the Black Stump but I will leave Mal to announce the Location once we have made a few more enquires... we know where it is, ..... just don't want say just yet :whitstling:

Now getting back on to this years RDU can we get some progress please:)
hell I don't know if I have to work day after tomorrow have a job after the next well let alone next month or 6 months from now,oh that's life in the oilfield

Fu*kin' BUMMER, Amigo!
Gas prices are going up - will that help?
Not sure if we can make as there's a lot on this year but would like to show up and introduce ourselves. We travel with the dogs, so we need somewhere to throw up a tent.