once I get your shirts done I will be in touch thinking I may do a over nighter up your way, May see if 1 or possibly 2 others will join me, I need to go to a couple of places in in Sydney (leatherwork shop near airport and maybe an archery shop) then pop up your way spend the night drop off your shirts .. maybe go out to a local with you and who ever wants to for dinner that night then head home the next day
Sounds OK to me, I will be away from Saturday13/6/15 for a couple of weeks ,going out to Moree to the hot springs to soak these old bones and then over to Bingara then a couple of nights at Tamworth then back home
We were out at Mendooran last week for a trial run with our(Margs Birthday present )brand new Caravan 22ft and 2.5tonnes of New Age Manta Ray ,If you like I can send you the cash for the shirts prior to going just PM me Thanks Hans.
G'Day Fellow Aussies,

RDU 2015 - has it died in the ars#?

Although I'm originally from South Africa, have a Yarpie accent and was born in Perth, I've been here in Aus for over 30 years so I do consider myself True Blue.

I've only owned my Rocket for a couple a months and residing in Melbourne now I can fully comprehend that we've just hit winter so it may be excusable that it appears all Melbourne Rocketiers have shown little regard in getting together, Melbourne's wether is pretty crap. I trust this is gonna change later in the year as the warmer weather approaches.

It may be too late but this thread was initiated by Mizzy back in January 2015 and although some guys have researched venues and worked trying to keep things rolling. The tyres have gone flat. Seems like a fizzer. In March Mizzy commented about the "lack of progress". "I personally", am very interested in a national event and I would most certainly attend providing it's not in WA, 3000km is too far and 3000km back mmmmmmm. This forum and in particular, this specific thread demonstrates what may be a lack of attention or commitment from some guys. However, there is a flicker of hope considering a few members have expressed the willingness to get together. Sure guys, we're all busy, nobody has time, we all have things to do, we all have families and commitments, but guys, we're on this planet for a good time not a long time.

Planning and event like RDU 2015 requires effort and that's effort from everyone. We all have our own personal individual skills and I'm sure every single one of us could contribute in some form to make a successful event. I don't mind co-ordinating things as I probably have more spare time on my hands than most, although on occasions as a project manager I do seldomly get very busy.

It's evident that there was some leaning towards South Aus as a destination.

My suggestion would be this:-
1) I would like some indication from anyone who still may interested in a get together.
2) Where?
3) Caravan park or Motel? Personally I like somewhere where we can perhaps cook a steak on a BBQ and have the bikes parked close.
4) Preferred dates?

If I were to try co-ordinate an event I would prefer to communicate via email as using the forum is not instant and requires effort. However, posting on this thread can also be done in addition to emails to keep everyone informed. I would be most appreciative if anyone interested could email me roycasey22@gmail.com. Posting on the forum too is fine.

If SA is chosen unfortunately, I may be unable to assist with locations and similarly for Melbourne as I've only been in Melbourne for less than 12 months. I am nevertheless, willing to offer my time to assist in co-ordinating and organising affairs.

Wot say guys??????
Roy Roy Roy!!!! Its Mitzzy with a "t" in it.
RDU has been going since Big Marty hosting it in Hervey Bay in Qld in 2012.
Yeah it would be nice to see it continue annually. I cant make this year because my youngest daughter has her year 12 formal on and I will not miss this. Any other weekend would have been good.
Good onya for wanting to take on the batten and run with it but I think some guys have it sorted.
Looks like there is no interest in this years RDU, apart from those that stated their inability to go IS there any one going or am I just Flogging a Dead horse here .... not going to bother to go if no one else is bothered
I'm still interested, waiting to see how things pan out as those that were/seemed to be interested in organizing it seem to have gone quite
Maybe we need to try and lure Big Marty back , as RDU Generalissimo .. after all he did such a sterling job. :D

Truth is other than a handful of blokes that are prepared to travel interstate to attend .. most are only interested if it is in their local area .. time , money and the effort it takes is too much an ask or most blokes it seems. Just the way it is. First RDU was a one off and I'd be surprised if it is repeated to be honest.
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Big Marty half way through his tourettes-like "c" word laden welcoming speech .. sure all those there on that memorable night will never forget :roll:
And his reaction when being informed "some other lying c#nt" wasn't going to deliver on his promise of a Jumping Castle for us blokes to play on :roll:


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Good ole Marty. Heard from him this week. He's doin lots of fishing and as far as i gather keepin busy.

He and Cathy really did do a top job and heaps of organising. I agree with TC, I dunno if we'll get the numbers like that 2012 RDU for a long while but seems as the number of Aussie riders join the forum we may just get there one day.

I know I've pulled the pin on organising my annual Tassie trip as last year we were up to 75 blokes. Too much to organise for this little camper, especially when my phone doesn't phukin stop.

If SA RDU does continue I'm happy to offer for any QLD or NSW people that wish to tow the bikes down to Melbourne accommodation and a safe place to park their vehicles and trailers. Just a thought if it helps out with some of the further afield.
Roy Roy Roy!!!! Its Mitzzy with a "t" in it.
RDU has been going since Big Marty hosting it in Hervey Bay in Qld in 2012.
Yeah it would be nice to see it continue annually. I cant make this year because my youngest daughter has her year 12 formal on and I will not miss this. Any other weekend would have been good.
Good onya for wanting to take on the batten and run with it but I think some guys have it sorted.

RDU 2015

Thanks for your reply Mittzy, my apologies for not spelling your name correctly. Thank you for your encouragement.

I'm a little confused. I asked Wrecka when he told to me to "try make it to the South Aus one this year". I'm mystified where to find out about the RDU 2015 and his reply was "this thread". That's actually what I surmised but suspected that I may have overlooked some definitive arrangements elsewhere regarding the SA event. Obviously not.

You mention Mitzzy that your daughters Yr12 Ball is on for that weekend. Which weekend and has a weekend for RDU 2015 been selected? You followed up by showing interest and so has Mike188 and some others in earlier posts. Tomcat is trying to encourage Big Marty to return as an organiser. I assume most will have read my post offering my time but I've had no positive interest or responses so maybe there is actually - 'no interest'.
I've arranged many similar events with various car clubs and I was also the instrumental founding member of a break away Mustang Shelby Club. My experience is that sometimes when little interest is shown by members, the organisers themselves loose interest and give up. I'm not suggestion this has occurred in this instance but evidentially RDU 2015 seems to have died? Would you consider perhaps making contact with the guys you know Mittzy who may be interested to establish numbers?

WA for most eastern staters is understandably too far. Living in WA for 30 years I can vouch that Sandgropers accept nobody comes to WA.
SA may prove only just okay for NWS and Qld guys and no probs for Victorians. It may be an effort for Crow Easters to travel elsewhere as SA is also far away.
Qld and Northern NSW appear to be where most Rocketiers reside so it may be the preferred choice for RDU's.

With respect to all, consideration should be given that perhaps future events should be between Melb and Cairns, just look at a map, it's an obvious strategy to keep the event populated. Examples are Ace Cafe to Brighton UK, Sturgis in South Dakota and The Buffalo Rally in South Africa, always the same venue. Perhaps we can try get consensus on either having a different location between Melb and Cairns or maybe even test a location in-between and see if it may be suitable to establish as our regular annual event location?
Trying to arrange an event in a different location annually presents all sorts of logistical problems, in particular accommodation and venue selection. Organisers are faced with the problem not only seeking agreement from members, but more importantly establishing a mutually agreeable venue and time.

Accepted Wrecka, and I note your comment to me among "separate" comments, "other people have already taken the responsibility of organising this event" nevertheless it appears other members share my sentiments that nobody knows whats happening. Therefore, with respect to you Wrecka, I am taking the liberty and asking if anyone is interested in attending and for your thoughts on a venue? If any of the current members who may be organising an event for 2015 wish me to butt out, I'm happy to do so and similarly I'm also happy to assist.

Look forward to everyones comments.


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Roy I totally agree with a good deal of what you just covered there , keeping an annual get together in the one place is the rightway to build it up to something bigger over time.
I know the main factor for me not looking to attend this year is distance , especially seeing as the last one was not much closer than this years , really did suck last year having no travelling companions until I hit the other side of Sydney. If this years one had been planned within a 1000 Klm of me I'd definitely attend , it's always going to be a bigger effort for some due to our expansive country.