RDU 2015

I will be up front and say I cannot make the 2015 RDU, no Gunna, Maybe,if only,perhaps it's no good beating around the bush and then not turning up(poor form indeed) if it was in QLD I could go as I have two Family events there in October/November, so I am out unless Qld is the venue, hurry on 2016 hopefully in Qld maybe or NSW
G'Day Fellow Aussies,

RDU 2015 - has it died in the ars#?

Although I'm originally from South Africa, have a Yarpie accent and was born in Perth, I've been here in Aus for over 30 years so I do consider myself True Blue.

I've only owned my Rocket for a couple a months and residing in Melbourne now I can fully comprehend that we've just hit winter so it may be excusable that it appears all Melbourne Rocketiers have shown little regard in getting together, Melbourne's wether is pretty crap. I trust this is gonna change later in the year as the warmer weather approaches.

It may be too late but this thread was initiated by Mizzy back in January 2015 and although some guys have researched venues and worked trying to keep things rolling. The tyres have gone flat. Seems like a fizzer. In March Mizzy commented about the "lack of progress". "I personally", am very interested in a national event and I would most certainly attend providing it's not in WA, 3000km is too far and 3000km back mmmmmmm. This forum and in particular, this specific thread demonstrates what may be a lack of attention or commitment from some guys. However, there is a flicker of hope considering a few members have expressed the willingness to get together. Sure guys, we're all busy, nobody has time, we all have things to do, we all have families and commitments, but guys, we're on this planet for a good time not a long time.

Planning and event like RDU 2015 requires effort and that's effort from everyone. We all have our own personal individual skills and I'm sure every single one of us could contribute in some form to make a successful event. I don't mind co-ordinating things as I probably have more spare time on my hands than most, although on occasions as a project manager I do seldomly get very busy.

It's evident that there was some leaning towards South Aus as a destination.

My suggestion would be this:-
1) I would like some indication from anyone who still may interested in a get together.
2) Where?
3) Caravan park or Motel? Personally I like somewhere where we can perhaps cook a steak on a BBQ and have the bikes parked close.
4) Preferred dates?

If I were to try co-ordinate an event I would prefer to communicate via email as using the forum is not instant and requires effort. However, posting on this thread can also be done in addition to emails to keep everyone informed. I would be most appreciative if anyone interested could email me roycasey22@gmail.com. Posting on the forum too is fine.

If SA is chosen unfortunately, I may be unable to assist with locations and similarly for Melbourne as I've only been in Melbourne for less than 12 months. I am nevertheless, willing to offer my time to assist in co-ordinating and organising affairs.

Wot say guys??????
I can appreciate your enthuasum Roy but im pretty sure you might be jummping on not treading on a few toes , the long term peeps here have been organizing it for a few years now , i was lucky enough to attend last year and rode to Vic from Qld had a ball. I was also excited and did my share of foot stomping by jumping in where i likely wasnt needed my suggestion would be try and organize some local get togethers or keep an ear out for for others doing the same , even try and make the one in South Aus this year , personally ill be hanging out for the next one in NSW or QLD
Last year I committee to RDU Melbourne and attended and met a lot of fellow captains all of which were great guys and one lovely lady , it was informally organised with meet ups along the way and one or two stop overs along the way, a meet up with the Southern crew at Torquay. it just seemed to fall into place as the date got closer , sometimes this is the best way as circumstances change and for various reasons people drop out and peoples travelling plans are changed due to this ,I always believe in a firm yes or no in any arrangements I make, then no one is inconvenienced, I hope it all comes off well ,looking forward to 2016RDU

G'Day Wrecka,

I was just trying to help what appears to be an event that may have a flat tyre and put some air in it. But okay I'll shut up and no offence taken. I'll toe the line and I'm available if anyone needs help.

My observation is this post confirms that most guys are seeking something that has not been achieved - consensus on all fronts, venue or dates? Please Wrecka woiuld you advise where I should look on the forums to find out about the South Australian event you refer to?
Looks like there is no interest in this years RDU, apart from those that stated their inability to go IS there any one going or am I just Flogging a Dead horse here .... not going to bother to go if no one else is bothered
Looks like there is no interest in this years RDU, apart from those that stated their inability to go IS there any one going or am I just Flogging a Dead horse here .... not going to bother to go if no one else is bothered

THat's sad Hans,as I said Qld would be good for me and maybe some others ,as I will be up there I would just get my bike dropped of at the rello's by my young bloke he is up there a fair bit with the semi the drive up with the rest of the family,and catch up with the guys even if the dates don't match up it's only one day,s ride for me I will keep my eyes out for whatever eventuates,
G'Day Wrecka,

I was just trying to help what appears to be an event that may have a flat tyre and put some air in it. But okay I'll shut up and no offence taken. I'll toe the line and I'm available if anyone needs help.

No one was telling you to shut up and toe the line so take a chill pill man , i was inferring that other people have already taken on the responsibility of organizing this event , why set yourself up for possible failure on somthing that seems dead in the water and asking if it'd be ok to do so 1st would seem the right way to go about it, i really dont give a ratsass do what you like.

It's been achieved for the past 2 yeas that i know of , what does seem apparent to me is that attendance is specific to those in the North and South of the country, maybe RDU could be run twice per year one in the Southern states in Summer and one in the Northern states in Winter ? Might make for a better turn out over all , Roy your on the RDU 2015 thread here !
once I get your shirts done I will be in touch thinking I may do a over nighter up your way, May see if 1 or possibly 2 others will join me, I need to go to a couple of places in in Sydney (leatherwork shop near airport and maybe an archery shop) then pop up your way spend the night drop off your shirts .. maybe go out to a local with you and who ever wants to for dinner that night then head home the next day