RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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well said Ponters...I think I said a couple of times before it's all about getting together having a bit of fun, a drink or two and talking sh*t with mates.

I'd like to think that we could just concentrate on the positives of the RDU and 'let the bikes do the talking'.

I'm involved with a couple of volunteer organisations, one being the Rural Fire Brigade which I've been a member for over 30 years including being secretary/treasurer for a lot of that time.

I've been through all the criticisms, letdowns, comments and just plain exhausting involvement but you keep going because it's something you believe in and you know somewhere out there people do really appreciate your efforts.

It's the same with any volunteer group, I for one, really appreciated the effort Big Marty and his family put in.
I have the same appreciation for Hanso and any one else that organises an RDU in the future.

Fran and I had a ball in Hervey Bay and look forward to a great time in Batemans Bay.
Please don't construe this as me taking sides as that's not what I'm about, I would just like to all of us turn up and enjoy each others company for a couple of days.
I certainly enjoyed Hervey Bay, met people from this forum, enjoyed Saturay auction and the Saturday night BBQ. Had to leave early Sunday but well done to the people who did the organizing.
Hope I can make it to the 2013 RDU at BB later this year, whatever is on the agenda I am sure I will enjoy myself meeting more captains, talking Rockets and riding home.
I will say while I don't get the opportunity to all the PackRat rides up here they are great rides with great people.
I only wish you could understand Richard that at Hervey Bay you were possibly making jokes but they came over as sarcasm, I never said it was all in type on here. Maybe you should try and think before making what you obviously sometimes think is only light banter as I know even thou We and I mean All Of Us are grown men and women, we have feelings!
The thing that has me annoyed is that In Person We Get on like a house on fire, yet you seem to forget I quickly changed the Dates to accommodate you I suggested that the guys might like to go for a ride on the weekend (as it was suggested that guys might want to at Hervey Bay) I didn't want to be have the "didn't organise anything For Us to Do tag" but you jumped on it, it did not even get to a discussion.
I made a point of asking you as I thought you like to be involved in organising things You agreed to my proposal but said you did not know which way you wanted to go, that was fair enough as both routes I suggested are good and also interesting.
If you were honest you would have said that real reason for you wanting the guys to come to Canberra from south and then also suggesting that "you don't Recommend the Kangaroo Valley" was that you would like as I too would like to see, Amanda ride down here and You would prefer the shorter simpler route, well you still could, I say this as I would have been happy to add a the extra Km's to my trip to Hervey Bay to meet you in Canberra and then meet Ponters and Malcy at Cowra or wherever, but I wanted to keep my Ann (reduce first day distance on bum) happy so I said that I would Meet you guys there up at the first night stop. Had she had the confidence to ride her own bike up there I would have taken a totally different shorter Route and not met up with you guys till Hervey Bay I would not have expected or asked you guys to change from a much nicer ride out west to accommodate Me and Ann. I suggest that You might start thinking about the bigger picture.
Group rides go thru Kangaroo Valley almost every Weekend and not at break neck speeds I have even taken learner riders up thru there telling the rest of the group to ride at their own pace and that we (myself showing the way and the learner riders husband as tailend Charlie) to go steady with no pressure and meeting them in the valley) maybe if you had picked up the phone and mentioned that you wanted to encourage Amanda we may have been able to come up with a plan.
When It comes down to it that is why I am annoyed because in person you agreed then turn around and go of on your own agenda
Maybe I was harsh but on you but I felt you to were harsh on Marty may be you should ring him and talk about the issues and I say talk not Argue I am sure if Both you and Marty can discuss things a lot of this tension will be resolved.

I for one am happy to Apologise for my Harshness but You to have also accept responsibility for your part and start thinking about the Greater Group.

I don't want people coming away from Batemans Bay saying "I don't know why HansO says he has some of the best riding roads in Auss when the trip was boring as Bat**** with only a little run down the Clyde Mtn" Getting here is still the main part of the experience once you get here we can see how we feel about what we do on the Saturday whether it be having a bit of fun On a Jetski, fishing, or just lazing about having a drink (on the child safe, no rips, no large waves) beach that is only a short stroll from cabins or if anybody wants to go for a ride to the Zoo 15 min's away or up to the Araluen Pub for lunch. So you can see their is a lot You can do and I have only touched the tip of the iceberg, Batemans Bay is very underrated

just a little addit
Food for Thought
on a Friday or most week days there is more traffic on the Clyde as it being a Main Arterial road as Opposed to the road thru the Kanga' Valley being mainly tourist except on weekends then you do get the weekend warriors
Guys...... Sigh.....
I don't really care for the drama... I understand people are pissed off here. But..... Does it need to be soooooo public? I like and respect ALL of you guys.
I am over it, call each other and talk it through.
I for one are losing interest in this site if all I can read is he said...you said....etc.....

Dropped in and had a coffee with Marty on my way home from Gladstone today .my new rjays worked well ,not even a drop of rain got through .finally got some water proof clothing which is actually waterproof. Nice to have the rocket back home
Which Is why I am trying to clear the Air as you say Respect It is important to me.
A simple phone call could have solved or even avoided this whole load of crap.
regardless of whether Richard Or Marty decide to come the Show will go on it will be their loss.
I stated this before and I will say it again while it has been said that No One owns RDU, but the person who puts their hand up should be allowed to make suggestion and they ARE suggestions ... not set in concrete to be discussed before being condemned.

Oh and let keep this in one thread instead of spreading it over the whole forum

Oh and if I don't have the support from you guys and feel I am not correct in my views then let the Perfect one take over, Sorry if my gramma is not perfect but then neither Am I and never professed to be
Hanso, you're an idiot sometimes. Why don't you just shut the *** up. I'm sitting here shaking my head and can't believe the utter drivel you're posting. If you ever want this to heal you have to learn when to stop. I've done nothing except try to contribute and offer my thoughts. I can't veto anything, haven't rubbished anything, aren't trying to tell anyone what to do. If you disagree with it, disagree with it but don't you or Marty dare tell me I'm not entitled to an opinion. I have no idea why you both decided to turn on me like this but at least I'm seeing your true colours. Do whatever you want. I won't be part of it.

Only good thing about this, I've seen who my true friends are. Thanks to those who have been in contact with me - including a few from the States. Something that you and Marty can both be real proud of.
You guys who have the problem with each other need to get together on phone or in person and work this crap out i sit here and read about the rides the lives the friendship you guys have over there and elsewhere round the world but this sounds like kids stuff (i may be going where i dont belong dont know who said what or didnt say what / dont know who did what or didnt do what /but good friends hard to find how long you guys known each other? When was the last time you told each other need anything i will be there for you again if im where i dont belong i apologize but i try to read about good rides/ friends / bikes elsewhere but sure dont to read some of this stuff get together privately work it out whos the bigger man to make first attempt?
Breeze I can see where you are coming from and I have held out the olive branch in past and swallowed my pride to made a phone call to clear up mid understandings but I am letting him take the first step this time as it seems the only time I have had phone call from him is if I can do something for him
That is all I have to say apart from you may have notice I did not partake in infantile name calling

If any one needs to contact me about the Batemans bay RDU please do so before I start my next phase of preparations if this not resolved soon I will pass on this entire event to who ever

Is this what I'm supposed to apologise for? Get over yourself.
I will apologise for asking for your help though. Had no idea you were keeping score.
I'm out.
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