My honest opinion is that Amanda and I contribute fortnightly to the Red Cross and regularly to Make a Wish, Starlight and other charities including the RSPCA throughout the year. On the other hand, I've had one opportunity to get together and ride with all you guys from Queensland and the yobbos from Victoria - except for TC who I also saw at Easter. Something different for me one time a year is just catching up with these guys, not more of the same charity stuff I do all year. I realise for some it's different but for many of us we spend a lot of time looking out for others eg Hanso's cross dressing fetish, the work TC does with young people, Ponters' philanthropic endeavours and so on.
No one was sarcastic about Hervey Bay. We all have a right to say what's on our minds and to speak up and contribute to the discussion of how we want to spend our time and money. And some of us chose to say so directly, not sarcastically at all. My recollection is that everyone at Hervey Bay actively participated in the event you arranged and everyone acknowledged your contribution. I spent a couple of thousand dollars to be there, traveled for 6 days and spend a fair bit at the auction. Fact is, reflecting on what I wanted for RDU at the outset (and well before you took charge of the Hervey Bay event), what many of us wanted was merely to get together from all over Australia.
And I still feel the same way mate. So stop sulking and get on board with us this time.