RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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just rang them and a nice young lady told me that Kelly doses not work there? anyway she said the 10% discount would apply and there should not be a problem online but would look into it and also when booking mention you are with the RDU group

It'll be a race open rural roads .

you blokes are priceless. I love the way hanso and canberra live the odd couple dream..its so cute..tc you are just a bad man.

all of you know i only like to stroll along at the speed limit so no fast roads or twisty bits please. straight 40kph zones are my favourite
Odd couple, You Go Slow..... Yeah Right Smart Arse!!!.............. I was actually thinking you would like the run up from Cann River to Bombala but would equally like the slower Bombala to Wyndim, Candelo twisters and the run from Trathra up to Bermi is awesome
come on Hanso, i do mean to always keep it easy I just have some self control issues. When I grow up Im going to be sensible. I promise.

The race starts from my driveway

I live on the Cunningham Highway just over Cunninghams Gap so if you are planning to go through Warwick that would suit me fine. You could call in for a coffee at my place and then I will join you from here.
Always open to suugestions though.
hey has anyone booked accom yet? also whats the low down with kids. are people bringing them or not?

im thinking i might do the bach thing this year. what have you decided?
hey has anyone booked accom yet? also whats the low down with kids. are people bringing them or not?

im thinking i might do the bach thing this year. what have you decided?
as there is no set agenda and we have a very nice Zoo just 10 min's out of town at Mogo you may have heard of Mogo Zoo it has white lions and heaps of other rare creatures, a nice family and adult outing and the road there is good too
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