RDU 2012 Wrap Up!!!

What time Sunday night you must have settled into some serious miles it was just before 9.00 AM when you left Hervey Bay heading for Tenterfield via Biggenden. What Tenterfield didn't grab ya.The Putty Road is 500 klm or more past Tenterfield.

Whoops, make that Monday night. Lost track after taking Tuesday off work. Yep I didn't leave Deans till lunchtime then stayed at Stanthorpe. Would have been bad if you came up on it without warning, but as I said to Ruzzle, no worse than going up his driveway
Nolton, if you're interested I suggest you go to Google Maps and put in Canberra to Hervey Bay. The route will take you up the coast but I went inland so you'll need to drag the line to the left picking up these places in order:

Cowra - this is where I met up with Malcy and Ponters
Muswellbook - this is where I met up with Hans and Ann
Warwick - where TC, Mitch, Gra53 and Big Al met us
Yarraman - BandV, KIMBO and Shane joined
Hervey Bay
(I'm guessing a bit near the bottom as it was TC's route)

Hanso left from Batemans Bay, so put that in to Muswellbrook

Ponters left from Melbourne and Malcy left from Geelong. Not sure where they met up but they visited Cobba's grave at Yackandanda (near Albury/Wodonga).
From there they went through Wagga Wagga, Cootamundra and Young on their way to Cowra (where I met them.

Malcy's trip up was over 2300kms, Ponters just a bit less, me and Hans both did a bit over 1600km.
"Hanso left from Batemans Bay, so put that in to Muswellbrook via Winsor and the Putty road"
the putty road added about 50 km but was worth it some of the best bike road in the country probally compares a bit to your dragon tail, mind you with a 450kg camper on the back made it hard yakka... Still loved it and will do it again sometime without the camper

I'm impressed !!!!!

That is allot of km's for some old guys. Bet the pharmaceutical companies are wondering why there was a spike in pain reliever sales.
I'm impressed !!!!!

That is allot of km's for some old guys. Bet the pharmaceutical companies are wondering why there was a spike in pain reliever sales.
I certainly used my Quota after spraining the knee and ankle

Yeah, Malcy and I met our respective homes and met at Euroa.
Our trip was

Junee (where we stayed for night one)

day 2

we went on to
Cowra where we met CanberraR3
I actually ended up on 2417k's from home to the show and shine but as I took a diversion and i knew Malcy was going to have to do it all again to get home I thought it was only fair he won the trophy for furthest travelled. As a round trip I reckon Malcy is going to be close to 5000k. Thats a big trip over 8 days or so.

And all without pain killers...mate these are rockets we're riding!