RDU 2012 Wrap Up!!!

We did discuss your RAA event at our shindig ... ours is way way better we decided judging by the photos from each event anyway... we won hands down we reckon!!
Crikey Graham that looks treacherous, almost dig your way through. Ah well you got home safe that's the important bit.
Hail, - photos make it look better than it was because those "tyre tracks" were nowhere as good as they look - everyone (except trucks and 4 wheel drives) were going as slow as, was dragging both feet and it slid around a bit, definitely not fun, - was lucky it absolutely poured down after about 5 k's of it so could get going
That may be true but its only because there is something wrong with you guys and all of you drive on the wrong side of the road.

Mate believe me ... where we drive on the road is way way down the list of the 'somethings wrong' with the characters that gathered at Hervey Bay. Most of them would have looked right at home aboard a pirate ship , throwbacks to our convict fore-fathers no doubt. Motely crew to say the least ...
That may be true but its only because there is something wrong with you guys and all of you drive on the wrong side of the road.

Maybe the wrong side of the road, at least you didn't pick on the voices.
Putty road on the Sunday night, was around 6" deep. Bit of a change of pace from the weekend!!!

What time Sunday night you must have settled into some serious miles it was just before 9.00 AM when you left Hervey Bay heading for Tenterfield via Biggenden. What Tenterfield didn't grab ya.The Putty Road is 500 klm or more past Tenterfield.