Rattley, Tinkley Sound

I developed a noise recently and I describe it as if you were running over some gravel and the noise it makes traveling around the fender well....Is that what it sounds like?
That's a pretty good way to describe it. It's perplexing because it's a new noise. I can't get it to do it unless I'm riding
2nd Uncle Jesse. Had my bike for about 1000 miles and lost a bolt holding one of the heat shields on the manifold. It made an awful rattle. Pulled all the shield bolts one at a time and applied locktite after that. Can't believe they put bolts on dry with nothing on them.
I talked to the dealer in Frederick, MD and he couldn't tell me anything based on my description, not that I expected him to be able to. I don' t have any way to trailer it, so I guess I'm going to ride it up there to troubleshoot. About 60 miles. Maybe I'll come back with a Roadster I would be a bachelor about 10 minutes after I got home.
It's not bad gas pre-igniting is it? Maybe run different gas, higher octane?
I know exactly what your talking about it sounds like a childs triangle in band
I know its not my keys cuz i just use the one key and no fob its not my angel bell its not the clutch lever rattaling
But i hear it all the time since i got the bike new in 08
My 05 didnt do it for me it happens about 30 miles an hour riding thru town
Ive searched felt and finally said f it if its something loose it will fall off but everything is tight ive checked
It sound like the left hand side up high

I guess what iam saying is if you figure is out let me know cuz everything suggested on this thread ive tried years ago its none of thee above
I just live with it
You don't have triple filters do you?
No, it's pretty much stock other than some bling and an air horn. The trip to the dealer was pretty much a waste of time. Seems as though the tech was having some sort of conflict determining his a$$ from a hole in the ground. He started talking about harmonics and at that point I figured it was going to be a bust.
Do you have a windscreen? I mention this because you will get quite a bit of sound "directed" at you from the windscreen and a lot of it will be reflective in nature. It will make it harder to determine the actual source. I had a "rattly, tinny" noise that I found was coming from the radiator screen. Once I was able to determine that, and knew what it was, I adjusted things and got it quieter. It hasn't gone away but I know what it is now and know I don't have to worry about that particular noise.
I do have a windscreen, I had it cut down when I first got the bike since it was enormous. I could try taking it off and see if that helps. It bugs me mostly because it's a new noise and I'm not going to feel comfortable riding it until at least I know what it is.
I know exactly how you feel. I'm one of those guys who hates rattles and squeeks and noises that "aren't supposed to be happening"!! I guess it's a hangover from my days as an aircraft mechanic. My bike is a reflection of me and my personality and I like things to be where they're supposed to be and do what they're supposed to do. Sometimes I just have to realize that the noise is the loose nut behind he handlebars. Sometimes, after a good run at WFO, I notice a pretty serious cackle coming from that same loose nut area.