RAMAIR, so easy a Caveman/Boog can do it

What took you so long to do that. I had mine done after the first time removing the airducting system and for the life of me not being able to get it back together again. Two weeks later Ramair arrived and done.

Nice job and great pictures.
I'm just not that fast on this things. And besides, I wanted to know if I really like the bike all that much. Now that Brahma has 72K miles, he's starting to grow on me. A full Viking system is on order right now... (And, doing my own work without a garage or proper tools is a worry for me).
Are you going to finish the story?
You now have a non-used airbox under the seat. Pull the A/C out and put the little filter on the PCV hose.
I have done the RAMAIR on 2 Rockets, love the Throttle Bodies clatter!
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Are you going to finish the story?
You now have a non-used airbox under the seat. Pull the A/C out and put the little filter on the PCV hose.
I have done the RAMAIR of 2 Rockets, love the Throttle Bodies clatter!
Hello Mike long time no see. Summer is coming but not sure where I would mount the A/C.
I do plan to use the old air filter box for another battery. Just need to pull it out and figure out what in series and parallel mean for a second battery.
I could not reach the house to place the new crank case filter on. Is that easier to do through the old air filter area once removed?
I would like to nominate the stock air flow pipe as the most boring motorcycle part ever produced ! second only to the plenum as the most boring piece of plastic ever to come out of a factory.

Hey Boog! I’ve had a busy couple of years with the Legion, then I decided to build a car. I’ve completed a Lotus 7 kit and am getting that registered now. I’m ready to get back into the RT3 again. I visit this site often but had to comment on your RAMAIR. I used long needle nose and put a short hose on the little filter. You do smell the oil now and then but oh well. Enjoy the noise!
I would like to nominate the stock air flow pipe as the most boring motorcycle part ever produced ! second only to the plenum as the most boring piece of plastic ever to come out of a factory.

Runner up nomination goes to the highly restrictive, mouse fart quiet and insanely heavy stock mufflers/silencers.
Are you remapping the ecu once you have it fitted?
The map I have now is the R3T decal popping map with Tors. I will update the map as soon as my Viking system gets here. I also have just received a PCV that will go on the bike shortly.