Ramair Roar

I posted the pic's but I think everyone thought I was just nuts because I did it in a $750 dollar Schubert C3Pro.
Probably because it's frigging heavy. I lined my bearclaw for the hell of it - weighs a good 3 times as much.

It's no doubt great for pimping your ride though - so that 1997 Honda Civic really gets the most out of the 15grand stereo system as you listen to the harmonic finesse of a needle being pushed backwards on vinyl and the light whistling of underpowered led strip-light drivers over your daily growing tinnitus.

I only put it in the ear cups of the helmet. I think maybe 4 OZ. at best and since it is supposedly the lightest modular on the market it still extremely light weight, and now much quieter.

I wouldn't go to the expense of putting it in a car to listen to stereophonic music though. I'm just trying to mitigate the loss of hearing and tinnitus I already have.
I like your signature quote at the end !
I just lined my bear claw with the Dynomat. It doesn't completely remove the intake sounds but deadens the sound and removes the harshness. Nice improvement in my opinion. I got the 10"x10" speaker kit for under $15 shipped and had enough to do the job.

Also seal the gap between the claw and the tank with self adhesive foam and it removes a little more.