My Pipercross setup is louder at high throttle than my CES exhaust, at least from the riders position. Boy does it sound good :p
With the ITG fitted - I can't hear Police/Ambulance sirens (even when they're on my tail) - and the THUGS simply not audible (even un-supertrapped). Great for playing - extremely tiring after a couple of hours "fast cruising". But the Screen certainly amplifies the effect.
Hey mate, as usual posted and then searched! Seems this "chirping is quite a common - although not obligatory - side effect that nobody seems to quite understand
Yes there are quite a few posts about this noise with alternative air filters. I personally don't like it but want the advantages, so I took Rocket Scientists tip and did this. It is now just a hair louder than stock intake.

Man! Thanks so much for posting that tip Rocket Scientist! I had some extra Dynamat from another project and put that inside the bear claw and I would venture to say that it may be quiet than stock now? I have used this stuff for different things with varying degrees of success but in this case it really works great! I would have gone back to stock air filter. Now all I hear is the throaty sucking noise accelerating which is great. Link Removed
No crickets. Just sounds kind of like a small jack hammer at slow speeds. At highway speeds it sounds like vrroom is the best word. Soaped checked connections for any leaks found none. Kind of difficult to soap check but can be done. Instead of blowing bubbles you have to watch and see if the soapy water is being sucked in. Knowing now that the noise is normal,i kind of like it. Really getting excited about getting the exhaust system,especially now.:):):):):):):)