Ramair Roar

Mine doesn't make crickets...but it's certainly a symphony of noise.....I know it is the nature of the beast....so I am going to plaster some dynamat on the inside of the bearclaw as shown in a previous picture, to smooth it out a little.
Anyone else get crickets at part throttle, like 20%-50% region, but none at full throttle?
Had a plague of them with K&N's - Eradicated most with the RAMAIR and more still with the OZCLAW. With the ITG filter I can't hear them over the artillery fire.
Now sonny got a bubble blowing bike , clouds of em pouring out the soot pipes like a150hp bubble machine !
Ain't got the pipes yet. Still at its best got to tear up a Harley rider yesterday. On my way to work and this poor guy pulls up beside me,drops his hand off the handlebars doing 65 at the time and guns it. Heard him downshift and had to laugh. Was gone and tearing her up. Flat made him look like a fool. was not hard to do. Left the Drug store cowboy in the dust.
Yeee Haww ! That's the way my friend , left him sobbing in a cloud of bubbles .
Somebody told me once that wanting to race was immature.

I'm glad you realized that not acting one's age can be quite fun.