Is my impression correct that there are no reported dyno test results available for this filter? That just seems too weird to be true. Who would put such a product on the market without testing it? What if it decreses power compared to its competitor? Do you think the manufacturer has test results but is not disclosing them?
Yet 100's fit K&N's blindly - simply because they fit. Before Wayne/Nev/Art etc dyno'd the K&N nobody knew if it helped or not. And for f*cks sake I've made a filter that's better than the 3*K&N's. It wasn't difficult. It was however hardly a thing of beauty.
RAMAIR said from day 1 it'd be better than 3*K&N. Why? - because it's what they do. They make filters for performance engines and little else. Aston Martin and Brabus Engineering go to them for help.
Nobody says it'll be perfect either - ask Wayne Tripp how many iterations of his experimental filters with custom bases he has made.
The very first prototype filter was set to Colin about 2 days after it was hand crafted mid September - was passed straight to me and fitted to my bike at the end of September to ROAD TEST as Colin could not. I have put a good 4 tanks of fuel through. 2 to settle the PC5/AT and 2 for the hell of it.
I have no access to a Dyno - but a PC5 with AT gives you an indication of how fuelling is affected. And to maintain set AFR's at given rpm/tps settings it's HAD to add more fuel - i.e more air is getting in. Overall a tiny bit more than K&N's - but in one or two spots - as much as 15% more.
This of course is based on how I ride which is FAST but SMOOTH. What it has done is smooth out how power is delivered - which to me is HIGHLY important. It's far more "ridable" than with K&N's which were (imo) peaky. i.e they worked VERY well in one spot - not so well elsewhere. In the spirit of R&D I have whacked the throttle open - and the front wheel went light. I won't be doing it again. 2-up much more flexible power delivery.
In order to get
PROPER AND INDEPENDANT Dyno figures - samples are on their way to the leading R3 tuners. Frankly I feel they're to be commended for NOT hiding anything.
When I read the bollocks that's often posted at product launch - I cringe. I worked for years in product marketing - it is so bloody easy to fool sheep (sorry - prospective buyers) with smoke and mirrors, FUD or statistics.
The "philosophy" message is - "
Here's a filter - try it now cheaper if you're prepared to confide in RAMAIR or wait for numbers and pay (or not) full price" - that's what's on offer.