Iv'e got to comment and compliment RAMAIR. Dan has been chatting with me and happy to design a race version if thats what i decide. Not many leaders in their field are happy to invest the time into minority groups like us so we are pretty privileged to have his support.
To the guys who have fitted the new Ramair filter, how is the intake noise level and do they fit neatly under the claw.
Also the cleaning and oiling, how often and what products are recommended.
Cant tell about intake noise yet as haven't tested - been raining off and on for the last few days. Barbagris has tested and found it to be quieter than the triple K&N's.
Fits under the bearclaw very well, I found it easier than fitting over the plenum.
Cleaning and re-oiling depends on riding conditions. Normal - clean and oil 5000 miles. Personally I will do it more often, it is such an easy and quick job.
for the fun part wait till you have to remove the grey plenum under the claw .............. lots of swearing and frustration to come!! and while you are at it why not take the secondaries off as well
do not drop the screws in the intake or we will never hear the end of this
Actually, there are gains to be had at low rpm WITH the secondaries in place. The throttle bodies flow slightly more with the secondary blades in place and opened completely, than with them removed.
Good to see you on line young fella! Do you remember which model K&N's are on my bike mate? Ramair have offered to make something up for me once i give them dimensions and your input. Could be a good thing
why would any one be prepared for the torture of trying to put it back , I for one would rather buy a new R3 rather than trying that . only english designers are capable of such a complicated design..
Actually, there are gains to be had at low rpm WITH the secondaries in place. The throttle bodies flow slightly more with the secondary blades in place and opened completely, than with them removed.