RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

the two faces of my bike ---- Quick Change Mcgraw | R3Owners
Got to Admit I agree with 99% of what you just said except I like the Look of my "3 eyesore pods" cos they work and also help balance the look of the otherwise rather bland side of the bike

And no Abuse just my opinion
That rear one would annoy me - Can't grip the tank with my knees well enough as it is. I like corners!

Les's "claw" will un-bland it. I HOPE.

Oh and could one impose for a close up of the Spotlamp brackets pls. One is looking at upgrading one's Fogs.

Are you cleaning under that chrome strip on the tank seam? - Seen too many tanks rust due to stuff like that.
Of course you do, thats why in your signature you state the size of your *****oh i mean HP oh sorry I see you are not alone when it comes to this

Does that mean I have a big dick??? Or a small dick??
Either way it doesn't bother me..... And yes I do and can use it all.
The missus has never complained either

Really funny but to the point post, love it. Plus it has lightened up this topic a bit.
Well said Dave, I think we are being a bit pedantic here with the slight drop off in torque, just interesting to know why. But you are right about the power thing, my only exception would be on my trip to the Isle of Man this year for TT practice week when the mountain circuit is one way & there is of course no speed limit,- I kid you not, it is awesome. About *****size though - is it wrong to get just a little excited when opening the taps on a lusty Rocket, or am I alone.??