just finished adding Ramair and decat. loaded tune (HanSo)
Question: I know the 02 sensor is in play at idle and the tune has O2 enabled.
is the base narrow band 02 sensor able to relay info back to ECU quick enough to when air flow upgrades applied
Reason for question: i have done a number 12min tunes. But still getting see saw idle, it does not cut out but seems like it is about to then ECU suddenly realizes its lean and fuels up and it see saws between these states.
it was most noticeable after the decat. seemed ok with just Ramair
FWIW, it sounds as though the idle stepper motor may be suspect. It would help if you updated your profile with the year of your ride. How many miles on the bike ?
loaded another tune which gradually opens the secondaries in lower gears rather than open full in all gears. This seems to be a better on first startup, I'll run it in idle for 20 mins to see if it settles.
If not I guess I need to look at TPS / Idles control. All good fun
Also seems slightly less loud which will please the neighbours
FWIW, it sounds as though the idle stepper motor may be suspect. It would help if you updated your profile with the year of your ride. How many miles on the bike ?
To rule out the Idle stepper motor just disconnect it and see how the bike idles once hot. Make sure that the linkage arm is loose. Mine was gunked impeding the motor to actuate it causing all sort of idle problems that confused even those in the know.
Loosen the bottom nut on the motor shaft all the way. Don't loose the little washers, damper or spring. Then check for play in the linkage arm. If not loose, take it off and clean the shaft and linkage well. Reassemble and recalibrate. Or just loose it for good. Just reconnect the motor cable to get rid of the Chk Engine light. Adjust you master idle if it is low. It's a little hex screw right in front of the secondary TPS. Get rid of the secondary butterflies. Enjoy your old school Rocket. Mine works better with the TPS voltage at 69V instead of 60V. This mod cured three year of pain and three TPS changes to try and fix my idle issues. (Thank you Claviger)
To rule out the Idle stepper motor just disconnect it and see how the bike idles once hot. Make sure that the linkage arm is loose. Mine was gunked impeding the motor to actuate it causing all sort of idle problems that confused even those in the know.
Loosen the bottom nut on the motor shaft all the way. Don't loose the little washers, damper of spring. Then check for play in the linkage arm. If not loose, take it off and clean the shaft and linkage well. Reassemble and recalibrate. Or just loose the it for good. Just reconnect the motor cable to get rid of the Chk Engine light. Adjust you master idle if it is low. It's a little hex screw right in front of the secondary TPS. Get rid of the secondary butterflies. Enjoy your old school Rocket. Mine works better with the TPS voltage at 69V instead of 60V. This mod cured three year of pain and three TPS changes to try and fix my idle issues. (Thank you Claviger)
Isn't the O2 sensor trying to bring it under control hence the lumpiness as they're fighting each other? I disconnected my O2 and plugged it but rather than trace back all the wiring, zip tied it to the frame out of sight.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna try a few different tunes, if not happy its Bye Bye 02 sensor. Kind of wanted to put a standalone wide band gauge in anyway just to monitor A/F ratio just to see whats happening during my ride, if I mount on bars I'll have revs, gear and A/F, could also have Tuneecu on mobile and record all at once with a camera.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna try a few different tunes, if not happy its Bye Bye 02 sensor. Kind of wanted to put a standalone wide band gauge in anyway just to monitor A/F ratio just to see whats happening during my ride, if I mount on bars I'll have revs, gear and A/F, could also have Tuneecu on mobile and record all at once with a camera.
Is it fair to say that if we start modding the bikes with ramair and cat delete then we are deviating from the range of expected values that the ECU can manage with the stepper and 02 sensor (does the increased air flow change the A/F values beyond the rev range considered normal and cause the ECU to work harder) Is increase in temp effecting the sensor, especially if already degraded over time on older bikes) ?
I ask because the bike was fine before I fitted cat bypass.
I'll give the stepper ago, just to see what happens .
One thing I noticed is that the two Hans0 maps (very greatful to HanS0) for my setup are different in that one has 02 enabled and the other does not. I'm wondering if I accidentally disabled or enabled one of them