Ramair + crankcase pressure = blown cam cover gasket?!

I don't have the Ramair yet so I haven't had a good look at it. Since their is a hole between the 2nd and 3rd throttle bodies for the O2 temp sensor to set in, why can't you put a hole in the Ramair housing between the 1st and 2nd throttle bodies. If you then made a plug for the filter box were the center duct work use to enter, put a hose fitting in that and then run a hose from that to the new hole you put in the Ramair housing. I would use rubber grommets around my hose fitting points and maybe even consider a cover over the top of the airbox. Wouldn't that scavage gases from the old airbox, eliminate the breather filter, create a little negative pressure and make things all good? That was kind of my plan...any thoughts on that guys?

That would be the same thing I did. The only difference is I went straight from the crankcase to the air filter. Now my air box stays clean and oder free.
I’m having the same issue...
I was running the RAM Air filter and blew the gasket. It just so happened at the 32K service, valve adjustment and they has to change the gasket anyway. Within 3 months of the service the gasket started to bulge again as you will see in the picks. No leak yet but not normal. When I pull the cover I’ll be checking it to ensure it’s not warped....

Just seems funny to me that this is not the first time I’ve read about the valve cover leaking in the same position. I did do something different though...I didn’t install the crank case filter, I left the tube attached to the breather box as per the factory setup and left the standard air filter in the box.
I have had the Ramair on for about 20,000km now, no gasket issues at all. The crankcase breather is in the orignal air box. I have read about the valve cover leaking on this site so if you do a search you will find more good information I am sure.
Ok i'll add a couple more cents here
I know everyone is thinking crank case pressure is pushing the gasket out. I will first say if so that area is not gripping the gasket at all. Why do I think this you might ask? I would j
have to say I've experienced extreme crank case pressure before.

Enough pressure to blow the oil cap off the tank down the road and dump amazing amounts of oil on your left side and leg. Yet never lost a cam cover gasket. I will say it was a oily mess though
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I would imagine its easier to run a pipe straight from the breather where the small filter would be directly to the back of your Ramair between 1 nd 2 throttle bodies if you want to go that route? Although hundreds of guys on here have Ramairs installed and few have any problems so I think its best to leave mine as is unless I see a problem occurring.
I have a couple theories on the gasket leak. (A) a change in the gasket material ? My 05' still has the original gasket. The cover has been off numerous times with narry a drop of oil to be found. (B) someone on the assembly line at Triumph found a "quicker" way to install the cam cover, and the gasket is getting overly flattened in that area. (C) something has gone off during the machining or assembly operation (an operator slamming the engine down on that corner whilst flipping it during assembly) causing that area of the engine to not be flat. If I had any money to bet, it would be (B). I once worked in a plant that made aluminum V12 air cooled diesel tank engines. Twas a UAW represented plant, on piece work. If there was any way to cut corners to beat the rate, those guys would figure it out.