Ramair + crankcase pressure = blown cam cover gasket?!

Is the "Titan" the Carpenter bike ? If so I would think that would be a good idea on a 9000+ rpm motor.
Ya its the Carpenter bike. I got the idea for the vent to exhaust from Blaine aka Speedy. Just made the catch can and added it on the engine side of the booster valve. The can is probably overkill but the so is the radial steering damper I am working on
My mod is based on Freds setup

So I just did the 3 K&N filters, but did nothing with the crank case. I left the oem box intacked due to having a Corbin seat that is a b!#€# to get on and off. I thought the crank would be fine since I left the box, but sounds like a may need to go back in!?
The nice thing is now the air box can be used for storage and additional items for rides. You do need to filter the breather / crankcase vent. If you dont you will get a mist of oil in the box and that will eventually turn into a grease pit. I lifted the air box slightly and put the K&N 62-1340 5/8" filter onto the breather vent.

The trouble with that is, it will eventually get fouled with oil and leak it down the back of the engine. Wasn't acceptable to me.
Just leaving it hooked to the empty air box works, but will make everything you store in there smell like oil.
YOU can fold up a towel and put it the airbox I have noproblem with oil residue or oiling anythinig kept in the airbox and no leaky cam cover
I understand all this crap, went through PCV designs ad naseum on my turbo car.

There is one KEY thing forgotten about the R3.... dry sump.

Dry sump systems great vacuum in the crank case already, they have to in order to function. If there is high pressure you breather will absolutely let it out, and the dry dump system almost ensures it'll never happen.

I too blew out a cam cover gasket, in exactly the same spot. Was replaced by my tech when he did my head work. No more issues, look at faulty installation before redesigning something that the vast majority have no issues with.