Ramair + crankcase pressure = blown cam cover gasket?!

thanks i must have had a brainfart moment lol
And do you have a little pod filter on the crankcase breather or is it still piped up to the airbox?

Just FYI -
I have left mine feed into the airbox, which is now a tool box.
I did place a foam plug into the hole that I clean when I do my K&Ns (now Ram Air).
Have had NO pressure or grime issues for over 40K miles.
Cell phone, Doebeck tuner, cleaning rag, tool kit, 38 special and my hat on mine at least. Lol

Ya may need to get at that .38 a tad faster than removing the seat, Amigo!
I've got gasket issue exactly where you are having the problem. I'm running stock everything (but the Ramair is ordered) and don't know what caused it. Sounds like a trip to the dealer soon.
I've got gasket issue exactly where you are having the problem. I'm running stock everything (but the Ramair is ordered) and don't know what caused it. Sounds like a trip to the dealer soon.
I Installed RAMAIR a few months ago the maybe just bad timing but my valve cover is coming apart above #1....got a new gasket. Going to replace when time permits...black RTV for now as the spots where its coming apart is working for a short fix. Seen three trains of thoughts for the replace...
1) When setting the new gasket a drop of super glue every few inches to hold in place. Hmmmmm
2) A thin layer of High Temp RTV.
3) Nothing and pray the new gasket holds up.

Worked on a lot of bikes over the years...and replaced more valve cover gaskets than I can count...always used a touch of RTV. Thoughts?
Worked on a lot of bikes over the years...and replaced more valve cover gaskets than I can count...always used a touch of RTV. Thoughts?

I've only replaced 4 rocket ones but I use the threebond liquid gasket (probably just another high temp rtv) that the manual specifies. No probs