Ramair crankcase breather mod

I know where you’re coming from but doesn’t the oem set up connect to the standard air box.

It did indeed - was immediately changed on my R3R!
Even the OEM entered the box and then was subject to the filter.
I do not believe this is true for what many others have done.
We use intake filters to prevent crap from entering the cylinders.
Why on earth allow crankcase bits and scum in there?

The ownliest thang thad't be in thar is sum ole vapor. If you got bits commin outta thar yous got trouble ! Mines been like that for about 50,000 miles, ain't did nuffin to er' yet
The ownliest thang thad't be in thar is sum ole vapor. If you got bits commin outta thar yous got trouble ! Mines been like that for about 50,000 miles, ain't did nuffin to er' yet
understand the "block"has to breathe but putting it on a vacume?
Its on a vacuum stock standard including most cars.
Did some mods to my crank case evacuation setup today. I removed the inline catch can, and ran the from crank > check valve > exhaust. Warmed the bike and went to check vacuum at the oil filler cap, it was notably harder to pull with the bike idling than ever before. Pulled it off and blocked with my hand, reved the bike to 2k and held it.

There is a very significant level of vacuum generated and it ramps as RPM rises. As vacuum seriously minimized oil misting/frothing, I'm not at all concerned about the volume of oil/stuff it will pull out of the crank case, the position of the breather tube on our motors is perfect for this.
at the very top, and not directly accessing the crank case, but instead an area connected by air passages.

If the **** weather would go up just 10f, I'd take it and have it dynoed to validate any power gain from this...

I originally intended to run it like the OP to the air filter, however, I realized that I really DO NOT want any of the vapors coming out going back in while at Boneville, when it's hot, at altitude, and will be more detonation prone than ever.
Rob, so then you agree with me?
Best to not to dump crankcase breather directly into the intake.